Since its creation, Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda has done effective work to make Link a lone hero that players can rally behind. But there are dozens of unsung heroes in the Legend of Zelda universe, and these supporting players are often the reason Link succeeds at all. In fact, since 1986 Link has never once been victorious alone.

This year marks The Legend of Zelda’s 35th anniversary and as it continues, Zelda fans are hoping for the same multiple-release treatment Mario got in 2020. The hero known as Link has become a household name as the main character of nearly twenty games since the franchise’s birth. After over three decades of the spotlight centered on the silent swordsman, however, it’s time to give credit to those supporting characters who help him along the way.

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In many of the Legend of Zelda games, Link is blessed with a companion that travels alongside him on his quest. Link also frequently encounters generous characters across the lands that point him toward various goals and grant him items and boons. The title of “hero” does not belong solely to Zelda’s main character, but also to these important players in the struggle of fate across the massive Legend of Zelda timeline.

Legend of Zelda Other Heroes Links Companions

The Legend of Zelda’s Link is often paired with an inseparable companion. These companions serve multiple purposes for the protagonist and for players, including helping with navigation and transportation like the King of Red Lions in The Wind Waker or Linebeck in Spirit Tracks, or by aiding Link in battle like that of Phantom Zelda in Phantom Hourglass. Some of Link’s partners relay their unique and useful wisdom, like Tatl and her insight to Skull Kid in Majora’s Mask, while all of the Legend of Zelda sidekicks share in their constant pointing Link toward his next goal (most of all Navi and Ezlo in Ocarina of Time and Minish Cap).

Oftentimes, these companions are the crux of the games in which they appear. Twilight Princess’s Midna, for instance, is Link’s source of knowledge into the Twili Realm, his best ally in battle, and she plays a significant role in the progression of the plot. Fi, of Skyward Sword, serves the timeline’s very first Link as the fate of Hyrule’s eternal struggle is set in motion, and becomes the iconic evil-slaying Master Sword players have come to revere.

Spirits & Guardians in The Legend of Zelda

Legend of Zelda Other Heroes Deku Tree

Beyond the earthly allies that Link is blessed with in his various reincarnations, the deities of the Legend of Zelda universe play an integral part to Link’s success, as do the wise spirit-like beings they create. The original goddess trio aside, Link meets many spiritual beings over the eras that lend a hand against evil. Spirits of Light appear to Link in Twilight Princess, while sentient Maku Trees aid Link in Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. Four massive giants join Link to save the day in Majora’s Mask, and larger-than-life dragons inhabit Zelda games like Breath of the Wild and Skyward Sword to Link's benefit. In summation, Link may seem like a lone warrior, but he obviously has friends watching his back from beyond.

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Two recurring Spirits with deep footprints in The Legend of Zelda are the mighty Deku Tree and Kaepora Gaebora. Each incarnation of the Deku Tree is unique, but its role is always the same. Appearing in Ocarina of Time, The Wind Waker, and Breath of the Wild, the Deku Tree is a deep pool of wisdom that Link uses for the benefit of Hyrule Kingdom. Similarly, the wise owl Kaepora Gaebora keeps his watchful eyes on Link throughout various games, giving direction and is always willing to repeat himself. These two are key players in multiple Links’ success, and their passing of knowledge is an invaluable tool for Zelda’s timeless champion, making them thankless heroes throughout the entire Legend of Zelda timeline.

Fairies in The Legend of Zelda

Link at a Great Fairy Fountain in Breath of the Wild.

Scattered throughout the vast lands that Link traverses are wondrous fairies that deserve more than a pat on the back for their contributions to the greater good. Fairy Fountains are places in which Link can regain his full strength for whatever battles lie ahead. The most selfless fairies allow themselves to be caught in one of The Legend of Zelda's empty bottles, awaiting the opportunity to resurrect Link should he fall.

Great Fairies are powerful beings that grant major boons to Link. They appear in various forms across the franchise to bestow magical items, health boosts, and gear upgrades to players. Their requests are often optional for Link, but his journey is made considerably easier by lending these powerful beings a hand. Fairies are perhaps the most consistent ally Link has within the Legend of Zelda franchise, and Hyrule should be grateful they’re willing to help.

Common Heroes in The Legend of Zelda

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Saria Sages Heroes

The battle against evil is everyone’s fight, and The Legend of Zelda doesn’t always save the heroics for the magical beings. In the Zelda universe, there are many common NPCs that sacrifice just as much (if not more) as Link does to save Hyrule. The odd map-maker Tingle is usually quite willing to help, and Groose is a powerful asset in the final moments of Skyward Sword.

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Most significant are the contributions of the Sages. These are often average folk that Link meets in his journey who ultimately end up safeguarding the Triforce and the realm from further demise. These selfless individuals are awakened to do their sacred duty in games like Ocarina of Time, A Link Between Worlds, and The Wind Waker, and while Link defeats evil to live his days in peace, the Sages remain to continue their generous and heroic work.

Link is part of an endless cycle that puts much of the action on his burdened shoulders, but even characters like Princess Zelda and Impa have been properly immortalized for their roles in destiny. And while there are titles in which Link has very little help, like the original Legend of Zelda and Adventure of Link, he always inevitably has someone to thank (even if it’s just a generous old man in a cave).

The lore of The Legend of Zelda is vast and complicated. For thirty-five years, eyes have been focused on the hero in green while many of the supporting characters did some serious heavy lifting. And while “good conquers evil” is likely what many players take away from the game, it’s worth noting that Nintendo perhaps plugged the real theme early in the very first Legend of Zelda in 1986: “It’s dangerous to go alone.”

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