Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild player was seeing double when they managed to get two versions of the game's Old Man character in the same place. Nintendo's open-world role-playing game was highly praised when it released back in 2017. The Zelda title was beloved for allowing players to explore its open world, and tackle its many challenges, in a variety of different ways.

The world of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is packed with details to discover, and players are able to manipulate the game's various systems to a variety of effects. One example of a misunderstood Breath of the Wild mechanic is the deadly Blood Moon, which revives all of the game's foes when it rises. While the world of Hyrule is bathed in ominous red light, all enemies that the player previously defeated come back to life and roam the world once more. However, a hidden benefit of the Blood Moon event is that it makes meals more powerful when they are crafted during the supernatural phenomenon. While players are typically able to cook meals which restore health when consumed, cooking during a Blood Moon creates meals that can grant up to three additional hearts. Another demonstration of Breath of the Wild's highly-detailed open world comes in the form of a game of Lizalfos bomb soccer. Reddit user Avalares42 managed to teach the reptilian creature how to score a goal by hitting a rolling explosive.

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Reddit user ThornyFox recently caused an unlikely meeting between two versions of Breath of the Wild's Old Man. To set up this strange case of double vision, ThornyFox pushed one version of the Old Man across the game's enormous map. While there is technically only one Old Man, the helpful character can spawn in various places in order to grant the player aid. By pushing one version until he meets another, two Old Men can exist in one place.

After the hugely positive response to Breath of the Wild's open world, it comes as no surprise that players are anticipating the release of the game's sequel. Breath of the Wild 2 promises to maintain its predecessor's open-world design, but little else is currently known about the upcoming installment. Fans have requested various features, such as boat travel or the return of Skyward Sword's Loftwing mounts, but Nintendo has remained fairly secretive about the game as of now.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild successfully breathed new life into a long-running franchise. Giving players the freedom to choose how and when they completed objectives was a dramatic change of pace from other recent entries in the series, which has long been known for having a linear means of progression. Accomplishing feats such as ThornyFox's union of two Old Men demonstrates the player base's love of and dedication for Breath of the Wild's design.

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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is available on Nintendo Switch.

Source: ThornyFox/Reddit