If YouTube comments are not loading, users can try several troubleshooting options to fix the problem. YouTube started as an amateur video-sharing site in 2005 before Google bought it the following year and transformed it into the world's largest video streaming platform. According to the company's data, YouTube has more than two billion monthly active users who collectively watch more than one billion hours of videos each day.

YouTube offers several features on its website and mobile apps. That includes native picture-in-picture support, which allows users to keep watching a video in a small, floating window even while scrolling their Twitter feed or working on a different app. It also offers all the usual features one would expect from a video-streaming app, such as the ability to adjust the speed of the videos, add subtitles or closed captions automatically and link to a specific point in a video for playback, etc.

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There could be many reasons for YouTube comments not loading on the app or the website. People experiencing this problem should first check their internet connection to see if it is working. Even with a working connection, it might have high latency or intermittent signal drops that might be preventing the comments from loading correctly. Next, try moving closer to the Wi-Fi router or switching over to cellular data to check that everything is as expected. If already using cellular data, try using a stable Wi-Fi connection instead and check again.

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Apps can sometimes also show weird connectivity issues if they are out of date. So try updating the YouTube app to the latest available version from the App Store or the Play Store before trying again. If it's an app-specific problem, it should be mitigated by updating it. Also, check if comments are enabled on that video. Sometimes, YouTube disables comments on certain videos as part of its policy to prevent hate speech, bullying, racism and other negative commentary. Video uploaders can also turn off comments for specific videos, so checking if comments are enabled in the first place is worthwhile.

If the comments are enabled and they are still failing to load, try to see if it works on a different browser or a different device. This should clear things up if it's a browser-specific or device-specific problem. Finally, check if there's a problem with YouTube itself. Sometimes, the problem lies on the server-side, and there's very little that users can do other than wait for YouTube to fix the problem. YouTube generally fixes any such issue reasonably quickly, so people with problems with the site should check back after a few hours to see if it has been resolved. Chances are, YouTube would have fixed the problem by then.

Next: What Is YouTube's 'Most Replayed' Feature & Where Can You Find It?

Source: Google