A new promo spot for Young Sheldon season 5 reveals Meemaw (Annie Potts) recruiting Georgie (Montana Jordan) for her new business. Following the shutdown of her illegal gambling operation, Sheldon's (Iain Armitage) grandmother is still forced to run the laundromat that it came with when she purchased the investment. However, without any real idea how to manage it, she taps the help of the eldest Cooper kid to help her with it.

Young Sheldon season 5's narrative has slowly shifted its focus to its younger cast after spending the first two episodes developing George (Lance Barber) and Brenda's (Melissa Peterman) budding relationship. Georgie decided to quit school when he realized that it doesn't really interest him. He figured that it would be best for him to start working full-time instead. Understandably, his parents were against the idea, and for a brief while, he was kicked out of the house by his dad if he didn't reconsider his stance on the matter. But, Georgie is adamant about this path, resulting in George and Mary (Zoe Perry) having to agree with a compromise. Georgie gets a sense of his newfound independence by moving out to the garage while also paying rent and utilities at home.

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With all that set, Young Sheldon season 5, episode 5 titled "Stuffed Animals and A Sweet Southern Syzygy" would see him start making his own money. That's where Meemaw comes in, who offers him the managerial position at her laundromat business. In a freshly-released trailer for the episode, Georgie is initially skeptical of the idea, but he was eventually convinced — something that he might ultimately regret later on. Watch the clip below, courtesy TV Promos:

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While Georgie may not exactly be keen on running Meemaw's laundromat, it's actually a good step for him. For starters, he already gets a full-time job, so he doesn't have to worry about where he's going to get money for his rent and utilities. Secondly, teaming up with his grandmother has its own perks, such as a more relaxed working environment. While Meemaw has always had a soft spot for Sheldon, she has always proven time and again that he believes in Georgie's potential, even if George has been skeptical of it. Finally, it's a great learning experience for him as he eventually gets ready to find a higher profile job.

As revealed in The Big Bang Theory, Georgie becomes a successful businessman. He founded Mr. Tire — the most popular tire dealership in Texas. While it's obviously very different from managing a laundry shop, his new job could teach him a thing or two about dealing first-hand with customers that could help him in his future endeavors. This could also give him an arc of his own in Young Sheldon instead of simply playing a secondary character to the sitcom's weekly episodes.

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Source: TV Promos