The reboot of the X-Men, beginning with House of X in 2019 and continuing to the present day, is highly praised by fans and critics alike - but these stories will most likely never be adapted into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Created by writer Jonathan Hickman, the reboot is not so much a reinterpretation as a reevaluation - especially of characters like Professor X, who radically changes tactics in his quest for peace between humans and mutants. Unfortunately, the years-long arc won't appear in the MCU anytime soon, for fear of stepping on the toes of another beloved franchise.

House of X and Powers of X saw the beginning of the Krakoa era of the X-Men, in which Charles Xavier founds the independent nation of Krakoa, an island home for all mutant-kind. According to Moira MacTaggart (revealed as a mutant who has lived many past lives), mutants always lose in their struggle to live alongside humans - so Xavier has decided that mutants must live apart. Any mutant can claim Krakoan citizenship at birth, and all mutant criminals are granted amnesty upon arrival; in return for advanced medicine, the rest of the world must recognize these laws along with the nation itself.

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Krakoa is quickly invited to join the United Nations and becomes a haven for mutants - and only mutants, as no humans are allowed on Krakoa. This means the island, with all its advanced technology, bioscience, and individuals with unique special abilities, is shrouded in secrecy from the rest of the world. Even the mutant method of resurrection remains a secret to humans. While this would make an excellent way for the X-Men and mutants to enter the MCU, it's highly unlikely Marvel Studios will adapt Jonathan Hickman's X-Men for one reason above all: Wakanda.

Black Panther's nation of Wakanda.

In the MCU, Wakanda is a small country that has never been conquered or colonized by the British (or any other invading army). Wakanda possesses incredible secret technology years and even decades ahead of any other nation on Earth, and only Wakandan citizens may enter. Having more than one "secret advanced society only home to a select few" would confuse general audience members. In addition, placing Krakoa and Wakanda in the same universe would take away the uniqueness of each setting.

If Hickman's X-Men were to be adapted and integrated into the MCU, extensive rewrites would be necessary; notably, the cast of the reboot is particularly large and non-fans would have a difficult time keeping track of more than a dozen leading mutant characters. Krakoa has never before been acknowledged in any Marvel film - or the concept of mutants as a whole, for that matter. If Marvel Studios can make Krakoa notably different from Wakanda, the island could appear in a future X-Men adaptation - just not as it appears in the comics.

Next: X-Men Comics Hint At Krakoa's Darkest Secret