Although Wordle is rather simplistic, recognizing good strategies can take away some of the guesswork, and the first Wordle combination can be used to great effect. A lot of the strategy for Wordle's puzzles lies in simply finding a few letters that are used in the correct answer. Effectively combining the first two guesses can lead to word combinations that greatly reduce the potential letters and weed out some of the more commonly used ones.

Though it may seem like the first guess is nothing more than a crapshoot to get started, some combinations make for better words to start Wordle games with. Without putting too much thought into it, a good starting place is to eliminate some vowels. Compared to consonants, it's easy to get a large variety of vowels on the board in one or two Wordle guesses with words like "adieu," but focusing solely on vowels won't necessarily move the game forward when there are so many consonants that could be involved. Instead, players will want to use their first two guesses on word combinations that combine to test the five vowels (or sometimes six) alongside some of the more common consonants.

Related: 5 Letter Words Wordle Hasn't Used Yet

Wordle's First Two Words Can Be A Powerful Combo

Early Wordle guesses should combine to eliminate popular letters

The strategy for early guesses in Wordle can be gleaned from Scrabble's lowest-scoring, and thus most used, letters - A, E, I, O, U, L, N, S, T, and R. Add in the two (D and G) and three (B, C, M, and P) scorers, and there are plenty of words that can be combined to whittle down the possibilities. Even though correct answers can use a letter twice in Wordle, players won't want to double up in their first couple of guesses, because they're trying to test as many letters as possible. With the above letters, words like "raise" can be followed with "donut" to immediately find some of the more common letters that might be part of the answer. Some good Wordle combinations might be:


There's no perfect strategy to explain how to play the viral word game, though, since the second move is almost always dependent on the first. Playing "raise" might reveal that A, I, and R are all somewhere within the answer, making "donut" a very ineffective second guess. Because of the game's rules, and how the player progresses through guesses, there's no absolute best second Wordle word. Any combination of words used to test the above letters should result in roughly the same outcome after the first two guesses, but players should always try to take into account their first Wordle guess if it turned some boxes yellow or green.

Other Wordle Second Word Combinations

Wordle 510 November 11 Attempt

Because of how Wordle works, players already know both the list of words Wordle hasn't used yet and also all the words Wordle has used so far. This means there are a finite amount of starting words which could possibly result in a correct 1/6 Wordle guess, and everyone should always strive to pick their first and second Wordle combinations from this list. This ensures that they are not inputting answers Wordle has accepted already, and will always be a better choice than using old Wordle answers. Other good possible starting word combinations in Wordle, as of this writing, are:


Players interested in digging more into the theory behind the best Wordle second words and Wordle combinations should watch the video below from Andrew Steele, which breaks down the mathematical theory behind Wordle word choices.

Next: Wordle Source Code Hack Reveals Every Word

  • Wordle Poster
    Josh Wardle
    iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows
    Josh Wardle, The New York Times Company
    Wordle is a web-based word-guessing game developed by Josh Wardle that took the world by storm in 2021. Players are given a five-letter word to guess and have six attempts to get the word correct. When they get a letter correct, it will mark itself as green if it's in the correct position and yellow if it is the correct letter in the wrong position. A yellow letter also means that letter could appear more than once. Wordle was purchased by The New York Times Company in 2022 and added to their website and app, keeping the core game free to play as promised - with additional words and other bonuses available through subscription, and is available via browser, iOS, and Android.
    How Long To Beat:
    1h 25m