EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is for Wordle answer #527; the November 29th Wordle answer is available now.

November 28th’s Wordle answer might not be the most ideal solution for players who use simple starting words in their first few attempts. While some players might be able to identify the correct positions of the two vowels, it might be more challenging for players to solve the answer in their subsequent few attempts. While the answer isn’t an obscure word, it can still throw players off if they don’t use out-of-the-box words in the first few attempts.

However, players might be able to solve the answer if they use Wordle’s hard mode. Since this mode uses stricter rules and forces players to reuse previously confirmed letters, they might be able to figure out the answer without sacrificing their daily streak. However, even when using the more challenging mode, players often get stuck and prefer to use hints to solve the solution and keep their streaks intact for the next day.

Related: How to Solve Wordle Puzzles (Tips & Strategies)

Today's Wordle Puzzle Hints (November 28th #527)

Wordle 518 November 19 Attempt

Using hints for solving Wordle answer work similarly to other vocabulary games as it doesn’t spoil the answer for players. Instead, these hints give players a good chance of solving the answer as it only points them in the right direction. While many Wordle players still consider this cheating, it has proven to be a great way to enjoy the game without actually cheating and solving the daily Wordle puzzle.

  • Hint 1: lukewarm
  • Hint 2: showing little enthusiasm
  • Hint 3: My problem with the coffee house is that the coffee is never actually hot, just ____ (fill in the blank)

Today's Wordle Answer (November 28th #527)

Wordle Puzzle on a Smartphone

More: Today's Wordle Answer: All Words For 2022 (Updated Daily)

  • Wordle Poster
    Josh Wardle
    iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows
    Josh Wardle, The New York Times Company
    Wordle is a web-based word-guessing game developed by Josh Wardle that took the world by storm in 2021. Players are given a five-letter word to guess and have six attempts to get the word correct. When they get a letter correct, it will mark itself as green if it's in the correct position and yellow if it is the correct letter in the wrong position. A yellow letter also means that letter could appear more than once. Wordle was purchased by The New York Times Company in 2022 and added to their website and app, keeping the core game free to play as promised - with additional words and other bonuses available through subscription, and is available via browser, iOS, and Android.
    How Long To Beat:
    1h 25m