Warning: contains major spoilers for Sensational Wonder Woman #10!

Bruce Wayne is known for being rich, but Wonder Woman has quite a bit of money saved up too - and she uses it far better than he does.  Sensational Wonder Woman #10 shows that when it comes to money, Wonder Woman is the more heroic of the two. The Goddess of Truth never forgets a friend and she doesn't let her friends suffer from less severe injustices than she's used to fighting against.

Batman has consistently been one of the richest heroes, alongside Green Arrow. Yet Batman is continuously criticized about how he uses his money - because to be honest, he could do a lot more with it. Oliver Queen also wastes his money, purchasing vehicles that he uses very rarely before ultimately throwing them out for demolition. It isn't uncommon for DC's heroes to be wealthy, though on occasion it does seem rare for the richest to be shown making a true, long-term difference with it. Bruce Wayne IS a philanthropist in Gotham, but his money also sometimes finds ways to fuel corruption without him knowing.

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Sensational Wonder Woman #10 comes from the creative team of Amy Chu, Maria Laura Sanapo, Wendy Broome, and Pat Brosseau. The main character of this comic - contrary to the title - is Kathryn Hollingsworth, an elderly woman with dementia. She claims to be Wonder Woman's friend from back during World War II and she has a habit of escaping from St. Charles Care Home for the Elderly. This causes problems for the incredibly rude and unforgiving owner of the facility who decides to kick out Katie. By the time her expulsion date has rolled around, however, the senior care home has been purchased by Wonder Woman herself, even though it wasn't even originally put up for sale.

Wonder Woman walks in as director in her full costume

It turns out that Katie and Diana really are friends who have a long history together. It isn't surprising that Wonder Woman would remember the friends she's made along the way. However, Wonder Woman usually isn't seen pulling Bruce Wayne-style moves like this. Buying companies and assets in order to get what he or his friends want is very much a part of his character. Wonder Woman doesn't take that approach. She fights mythical foes and is a princess of warrior woman from a magical land. While she must be decently rich thanks to the treasures of Themyscira, she isn't seen throwing money around casually. This is definitely a power move that speaks volumes for her character and it shows that Bruce has the right idea - if he'd approach it less casually.

Wonder Woman uses her money here to allow her friend to continue to live out her life peacefully. This is Katie's home and she deserves to be cared for properly. Kicking her out would have been an injustice - one that the Goddess of Truth won't allow her friend to suffer. Not all evil is large scale or noticeable, sometimes evil actions are done by everyday people in small ways. This conflict also speaks to one of Wonder Woman's other strengths: solving problems with peace instead of violence. There is no battle here, which is something that she prefers since she pushes for peace. By purchasing St. Charles and providing care as she sees fit, Wonder Woman has one of her best victories while showing that she is better with her money than Bruce Wayne - in a very quiet, secretive way.

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