Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi tells fascinating new stories concerning the likes of Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku in Star Wars canon, and also reveals why Kamino was not in the Jedi archives. As shown in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, the mysterious world of Kamino is missing from the Jedi Temple archives, but Obi-Wan Kenobi finds the obscure planet along with its clone army regardless. The Star Wars prequel trilogy doesn’t reveal the culprit behind Kamino’s erasure, leaving Star Wars Legends continuity to expose the perpetrator instead. Thanks to Tales of the Jedi, Star Wars canon finally shows why Kamino was missing from the archives and who was responsible for its disappearance.

Tales of the Jedi episode 4, "The Sith Lord," opens with Count Dooku entering the Jedi archives and, using the credentials of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, deleting Kamino from the database. By this point, Count Dooku had already started his path toward becoming a Sith Lord, actively working as an agent of Darth Sidious and positioning himself to replace Darth Maul after the Dathomirian’s apparent demise on Naboo. As shown in Attack of the Clones, Kamino is invaluable to Palpatine’s grand plan, as it produces the elite clone troopers necessary to gain the trust of and assassinate the Jedi once the soldiers' dormant brainwashing protocols are activated.

Related: The Bad Batch: Why Kamino Was So Bright

Why Count Dooku Removed Kamino From The Jedi Archives

Dooku and Palpatine on Coruscant in Tales of the Jedi.

The Star Wars prequel-era Jedi Order had become complacent and arrogant. Not only were the Jedi overconfident in their ability to use the Force, they were also tied far too closely to the politics of an increasingly-corrupt Galactic Republic. Count Dooku took advantage of this when erasing Kamino. While the world is familiar to many - such as Obi-Wan Kenobi’s diner friend, Dexter Jettster - the Jedi believed a planet was simply nonexistent if not recorded in the archives - a sentiment expressed directly by Jedi librarian Jocasta Nu in Attack of the Clones.

Kamino needed to be kept secret while the Jango Fett clones were being produced, so Dooku’s tampering of the archives ensured the Jedi would not visit Kamino and learn about the clone army until the time was right. In Star Wars Legends continuity, Dooku not only erased Kamino from the archives, he also deleted 37 other key worlds such as Dromund Kaas and Dagobah. Each planet was deemed useful to Palpatine’s plans in some form, so Dooku erased them to keep the Jedi Order away for a time, thereby allowing Palpatine’s schemes to continue unimpeded.

The Impact Of Dooku Removing Kamino From The Jedi Archives

Removing Kamino from Coruscant's Jedi archives prevented the Jedi from discovering the creation of Palpatine's clone army until the events of Attack of the Clones, in which a Separatist Crisis was about to evolve into the galaxy-spanning Clone Wars. Using his Darth Tyranus identity, Dooku recruited Jango Fett to become the template for the clone troopers, which developed into an army boasting some of the galaxy’s finest non-Force-sensitive warriors. Dooku also ensured the clones would murder the Jedi when Order 66 was given by having every clone unit implanted with a mind control chip while they were embryos. Dooku messing with the Jedi archives helped keep these preparations under wraps.

Obi-Wan Kenobi rediscovered Kamino when he tracked Jango Fett following the bounty hunter’s failed assassination attempts on Padmé, but the tenacious Jedi inadvertently played right into Palpatine’s hands. Since it was Kenobi's discovery that ultimately resulted in the clone army fighting for the Galactic Republic, Dooku and Palpatine's involvement in the project was obscured from public view. For Dooku, erasing Kamino was one of his final tasks for Palpatine before supplanting the seemingly deceased Darth Maul as the Emperor's Sith Apprentice.

Related: Could Dooku Have Been Behind The Clones' Order 66 Programming?

What Happened To Kamino After The Star Wars Prequels

Kamino Star Wars

As tragically shown in both Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the clone troopers ultimately served their purpose. Order 66 wiped out the majority of the Jedi Order, allowing Dooku’s successor, Darth Vader, and the Imperial Inquisitors to hunt down any survivors. Despite being brainwashed into Imperial service by their control chips, the clone troopers were no longer useful to the Empire after the Clone Wars ended.

As shown in Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 1, Kamino’s cloning facilities were shut down less than a year after Revenge of the Sith and promptly bombarded by the Imperial fleet, putting an end to the Kaminoans' genetic meddling once and for all. The art of cloning in Star Wars would, however, continue. Many decades after Kamino’s erasure by Count Dooku in Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi, further Imperial cloning projects would be conducted on Wayland and Exegol.

Next: Bad Batch: Omega Is Wrong About Kamino’s Fate