EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is for Wordle answer #426; the August 20th Wordle answer is available now.

A new day brings a new Wordle word for fans of the game to guess, and today's answer shouldn't cause too much trouble for most players. This week has been a fairly straight-forward week when it comes to Wordle, nothing has truly shaken the game's player base in a while. There have been some more difficult answers this month, but nothing to get the classic 'Wordle X' trending. This could be due to players just becoming more acclimated to how the game works and knowing their own individual strategies. Even trick Wordle answers with common suffixes like 'ING' haven't been able to break the internet in a long time.

Related: Knotwords Is The Best Word Puzzle Game Since Wordle

For those players that do prefer more of a challenge, Wordle does offer a Hard Mode. Accessed through the options menu before any game, this mode forces players to use more critical thinking when attempting their daily Wordle. If a letter is proven correct, that letter must be used in all future guesses. The same applies to a letter proven incorrect, those letters are locked out of being chosen. This can definitely feel harder in the long run as there is no way to just waste a guess on an obviously incorrect answer just to figure out some extra letters. It can however, help decrease the number of guesses it takes to get a word and help out a player's stats in the long run.

Today's Wordle Hints (August 19th #426)

Wordle August 19th 426 Hints

For those players who just need a little push in the right direction, here are today's hints, followed by the fully spoiled Wordle answer.

  • Hint 1: There are NO repeated letters in today's puzzle.
  • Hint 2: This Wordle word has people lifting their shoulders slightly to express ignorance.
  • Hint 3: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Today's Wordle Hints (August 19th #426)

Wordle August 19th 426 Attempt

The August 19th Wordle answer is SHRUG.

A shrug is done by raising both shoulders, sometimes with hands in the air. Generally, it represents not knowing an answer or feeling indifferent about a situation. For today's starting Wordle word we used IRATE. This provided two letters in incorrect positions, 'R' and 'S'. We attempted to mix them around a bit and add more vowels with the second guess SPIRE. This second guess provided the correct placement for 'S' but another incorrect location for R. Knowing there's only one proper vowel left our third guess was SCRUB, which locked down the 'R' and 'U' into their correct places. This left only a few possible answers left, so we tried and succeeded with SHRUG and walked away with a Wordle win-in-four.

  • Wordle Poster
    Josh Wardle
    iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows
    Josh Wardle, The New York Times Company
    Wordle is a web-based word-guessing game developed by Josh Wardle that took the world by storm in 2021. Players are given a five-letter word to guess and have six attempts to get the word correct. When they get a letter correct, it will mark itself as green if it's in the correct position and yellow if it is the correct letter in the wrong position. A yellow letter also means that letter could appear more than once. Wordle was purchased by The New York Times Company in 2022 and added to their website and app, keeping the core game free to play as promised - with additional words and other bonuses available through subscription, and is available via browser, iOS, and Android.
    How Long To Beat:
    1h 25m