Welcome To Plathville fans have been hard on Olivia Plath, but they should try to be less critical of Ethan Plath's wife. It's no secret Olivia has drastically different morals than the Plath family. Olivia grew up in a very conservative household where women didn't have much freedom. When she was old enough, she broke free from this lifestyle and found herself drawn to Ethan, who also had a very conservative upbringing. Olivia and Ethan's mother, Kim Plath, have had a strained relationship for years since Kim doesn't like anyone influencing her children to break free of the lifestyle she raised them in.

Welcome To Plathville's Olivia is far more liberal and open-minded than Ethan's family. She has a sex-positive mindset and regularly uses her Instagram account to encourage her female followers to embrace their sexuality. This is different from Kim, who wants to shield her children from everything, including popular music and soda. Ethan's relationship with Olivia has caused a lot of tension with his parents and led him to stop talking to Kim and his father Barry Plath. Olivia has gotten a lot of backlash for this, but Welcome To Plathville fans shouldn't blame her and should instead see how beneficial her beliefs are.

Related:How Olivia Plath Shaded Welcome To Plathville Cast With Move

Olivia Has Helped Ethan Plath Branch Out

Ethan Plath in red shirt with Olivia Plath in black and white dress Welcome to Plathville

Ethan was shielded from the outside world in his small town in Georgia, but Olivia was able to open him up to so many exciting life experiences. Anyone who watches Welcome To Plathville knows Ethan would never be happy living the way his parents raised him. He's even admitted he has a lot of resentment towards his parents. While it's hard to watch someone cut their parents off, and it's easy to believe Olivia is the problem, it's actually Kim and Barry who caused Ethan to cut them off. Olivia has brought adventure into Ethan's life by going on vacation with him to places he's never seen where he's around people who are different than those he grew up with. Olivia has introduced him to cultures that exist outside his small Georgia town. She wants Ethan to have the freedom his parents never allowed him to have.

Olivia Has Strong Morals And Beliefs

Kim and Barry's morals and those they raised their kids with are pretty ignorant and damaging, but Olivia sees the world very differently. She's always empowering women on her Instagram account with posts about self-love. Some Welcome To Plathville fans, like Reddit user SNARK63, don't like that Olivia takes pole dancing classes, and the Reddit fan called them "look at me’ pole dance classes," suggesting Olivia does the classes for attention. However, Olivia actually takes those classes and posts videos for her own enjoyment and to help other women feel comfortable in their own bodies. Olivia also shared a Black Lives Matter post on Instagram during the June 2020 protests to show her support for victims of Police Brutality.

While Olivia's caused a lot of tension within the Plath family, her intentions are good, and fans should recognize that Olivia is a good person who is improving Ethan's life. It's unfortunate that Ethan and his family don't get along, but Olivia is not to blame for this. If she allowed Ethan to keep himself in a box just to please his family, she'd be doing more damage than encouraging him to break free. Welcome To Plathville fans should leave Olivia alone and understand she's not the problem, and she never was.

More: Why Welcome To Plathville Fans Say Olivia Is Lashing Out At Plath Siblings

Sources: SNARK63/Reddit, Olivia Plath/Instagram