The Zarium Accolade is an interactable item in Warframe that can spawn within the Zariman Ten Zero tileset. Like a Datamass, holding an Accolade prevents Tenno from using their primary weapon until the Accolade is dropped. Zarium Accolades can appear in three differently designed variants, but their dimensions are consistently similar to an arm's length. Furthermore, every Accolade is adorned with the recognizable emblem in Warframe of The Holdfasts Syndicate.

The purpose of Zarium Accolades in Warframe is to be taken to Cephalon Melica, whose console's can be found within close proximity of an Accolade's spawn location. Melica, a Cephalon who serves as the teacher for the children on the Zariman Ten Zero, will reward Tenno with a Voidplume Quill for delivering Zarium Accolades to her terminals. Those who've met and spoken with The Holdfasts will know that Voidplume feather variants are essential for earning Holdfast Standing, and the Quill is the second-highest tier Voidplume with a value of 2,500 Standing. Therefore, the optional activity of hunting for Zarium Accolades is well worth the players' effort if they can spare the time to do so.

Related: Warframe: How to Find (& Catch) Rare Servofish

However, locating Zarium Accolades in Zariman is easier said than done, as Warframe players might run into trouble finding where these elusive items spawn. Naturally, the mission maps will have multiple spots where Tenno can potentially stumble upon an Accolade. Yet, since only one to two Accolades are generated within each tileset, checking every possible location will undoubtedly be unproductive. Therefore, players are advised to employ two specific techniques to maximize their chances of encountering these valuable rarities.

Locating Zarium Accolades In Warframe

Locating Zarium Accolades In Warframe

First, players must always listen carefully for a sharp, shimmering noise, as it will indicate whenever they are close to a Zarium Accolade. This ringing sound will trigger when Tenno are within 10 meters of the pickup item, and the Accolade will also begin to sparkle, emitting shiny particles. This feature makes the object slightly easier to notice in glossy, metallic environments or when hidden in dense foliage.

Another way to quickly find Zarium Accolades is to utilize Golden Instinct via Loot Radars to display the collectible on the minimap in Warframe. Accordingly, players should always observe their minimap for any icons of interest that will appear, indicating a hidden Accolade is nearby. Additionally, as mentioned above, players will not be able to fire their primary armament while holding a Zarium Accolade. Hence, it is recommended Tenno thoroughly clear out an area or make sure no hostiles are nearby before delivering the Accolade to Melica.

Next: Warframe: How to Unlock Caliban

Warframe is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.