Scarlet Witch could set the stage for the Marvel Cinematic Universe's second Civil War with WandaVision. The new Marvel series features Wanda Maximoff and the android Vision finally getting their happy ending. However, things are not as they appear, and there seems to be something bigger and far more dangerous happening under the surface. For one thing, Vision is supposed to be dead, as he was killed by Thanos at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. For another, several agents of SWORD are trying to make contact with Wanda, who seems content to live in this new reality with her husband, ignoring their attempts to reach her.

For some mysterious reason, it seems as though Wanda has created the quintessential American sitcom life for her and Vision to live out in peace. As such, the first two episodes took heavy inspirations and cues from iconic and classic shows such as the Dick Van Dyke Show and Bewitched. However, SWORD is trying to reach Wanda, believing that someone has trapped her in this reality. What they may soon come to realize is that Wanda could have just have easily created this reality herself, as her abilities from the Mind Stone are incredibly powerful. If that's the case, SWORD may begin to fear Wanda and what she's capable of, leading to a whole new conflict for the greater MCU to contend with.

Related: WandaVision: Why The World Changes To Color At The End Of Episode 2

If SWORD starts to see Wanda as a threat, it's very possible that the MCU could become involved in another Civil War that could even be inspired by the second Marvel Civil War seen in the comics. Civil War II saw Iron Man and Captain Marvel opposing one another over the issue of preemptive action in the Marvel Universe, and it's something the MCU could very well adapt using WandaVision as the inciting incident.

Marvel's Civil War II Was Over Dangerous Superheroes

In Marvel Comics' Civil War II event, the emergence of a new Inhuman named Ulysses Cain threw the superhero community into chaos yet again. However, this time the conflict wasn't about superhero registration and government supervision. Due to Ulysses' power to foresee potential futures with the highest probability, two schools of thought were produced. While Alpha Flight's leader Captain Marvel wanted to use the Inhuman's gifts to stop threats and dangers before they occurred, Iron Man was much more hesitant, questioning the morality of taking someone down preemptively before they did something destructive, or even knew they were going to do so. Additionally, Iron Man believed that, because it already been proven that the heroes could prevent the events Ulysses saw from happening, it indicated that everything he saw was fluid and shouldn't be treated as conclusive or concrete.

Unfortunately, Captain Marvel went behind Iron Man's back and went on a mission using one of Cain's visions as intel. While they were successful, it did lead to the death of War Machine, Captain Marvel's new love and Iron Man's best friend. This naturally led to massive personal conflict between the two, which only got worse when another vision revealed that Bruce Banner would turn into the Incredible Hulk and kill several heroes in the future, despite Banner having no intention or desire to become the Hulk in the present. This tragically led to Banner's death, which only served to escalate the conflict even further until Ulysses was called away by Eternity to become a cosmic entity.

While the Marvel Cinematic Universe has yet to feature a prominent character with inherent precognitive abilities like Cain, the concept of preemptive action against superheroes could still serve a the core focal point for an MCU adaptation of this intense story. Furthermore, Wanda's actions in WandaVision could very well serve as that inciting event that gets the ball rolling.

Related: WandaVision: Every MCU Easter Egg In Episodes 1 & 2

SWORD Will Play A Big Part Of The MCU Moving Forward

WandaVision SWORD Reveal Poster

The introduction of SWORD in the MCU is very telling. While SWORD was the Marvel Universe's premier space defense program in the comics, it appears to have a different purpose in the Marvel films. In Marvel Comics, SWORD stands for the Sentient World Observation and Response Division, making sure the entire planet is safe from the threats that are out there in the galaxy. However, it's been revealed from promotional materials that the MCU's version of SWORD stands for the Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Division, implying that their focus is still on Earth and the powerful beings that exist among humanity, otherwise identified as "sentient weapons."

This identifier fits rather well with Secretary Ross' comments to Captain America during 2016's Captain America: Civil War, when he asks Rogers if knows the exact locations of Thor or the Incredible Hulk, comparing them to nuclear missiles. Could SWORD be an extension of the Sokovia Accords, seeking to extend supervision over the various superheroes in operation post-Avngers: Endgame? At the moment, it seems as though the agents of SWORD are trying to ascertain what's happening to Wanda, trying to make contact and figure out who's trapped her in this reality or state.

Wanda's Reality-Warping Is The Event That Changes Things

WandaVision Vision and Scarlet Witch Pregnant Colors

While SWORD may be simply trying to help Wanda right now, that could all change when and if it's revealed that Wanda's fictitious reality is damaging the real world. After a time, SWORD may believe that they have enough probable cause to try and eliminate Wanda before she can change anything on any kind of lasting level. The entire universe just suffered at the hands of Thanos and the reality-altering power he wielded with the Infinity Stones, and it would seem doubtful SWORD would be willing to risk anything like that from happening again.

Some more pieces could fall into place for the MCU's Civil War II as well, especially if its revealed that Captain Marvel has a hand in SWORD's creation. Her best friend's daughter Monica grew up and is working as an agent of SWORD, after all. Perhaps Carol Danvers is leading the charge to keep powerful superheroes in check; suppose Wanda is unable to get control of her powers by WandaVision's end. It's already been reported that the series will lead directly into Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of MadnessWith a title like that, it doesn't seem like good odds for Wanda. So perhaps Strange himself will get in between SWORD and the Scarlet Witch, seeking to help her. Strange could even take the place of Iron Man, going head to head with Captain Marvel, which would certainly be an interesting conflict in the MCU, especially if it forces other heroes to takes sides like the first Civil War did.

While this all conjecture at the moment, it certainly seems like WandaVision is creating the opportunity for a second MCU Civil War. If not a full feature film, at the very least certain dynamics could come into play in this series and afterwards that are the result of continued government concern with superheroes, with special consideration to Wanda herself. After all, she was a key player and cause for concern in the first Civil Warand those worries could continue with SWORD as WandaVision continues on Disney+.

Next: WandaVision's World Explained: Who Made It & Is Scarlet Witch Trapped

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