Emerging as an international success, seemingly out of nowhere, Valorant combines the competitive genres of hero-shooters and Counter-Strike style realistic arena shooters. Valorant's success has appeared to emerge from out of nowhere, possessing gargantuan numbers on Twitch and increasing its player base every day. The only way that players can even get a copy of Valorant, is through a Twitch Keys, which can only be accessed by watching a streamer play the game live. This combined with its hyper-intense gameplay, application of both hero and realistic shooter qualities, and being one of the most addicting game-types to emerge in the modern market, it is no surprise that Valorant is shaping to be a mammoth success.

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Among the cast of unique, and interesting characters within Valorant, one of the most powerful is the tech-savvy, Brimstone. Possessing a variety of versatile gadgets that provides insane support and utility within a match of Valorant. The character is one which is meant to play like a pseudo-support character, with a variety of abilities that can sustain him throughout a match. Brimstone is an excellent choice for players who desire to assist their team and provide some potentially match-winning plays through his powerful abilities.

Brimstone's Ability in Valorant

Brimstone provides players a variety of powerful abilities. From a devastating orbital strike to a smokescreen to provide his teammates cover.

The first of Brimstone's abilities is his Stim Beacon gadget. When thrown this item evokes an area of effect, which provides him and his teammates the rapid-fire ability. When players stand within the Stim Beacon's aura, that player's gunshots will increase in speed. Providing a solid second or two faster gunshots, allowing players to unload a clip quicker than without the Stim Beacon. It not only increases bullet speed but also allows players to reload their guns faster than before. Making Stim Beacon a powerful tool within a fire-fight that can establish a clear and devastating advantage.

Brimstone's second ability is his incendiary grenade, as the name implies it is a powerful explosion that serves as a useful area-denial tool. Establishing a clear area of flame-like lava that dishes out damage over time. This can be a powerful tool to stop an enemy's advancement or protect the Spike from disarming.

Sky Smoke is an ability that allows Brimstone to call up to three smoke clouds onto the battlefield. This ability provides incredibly cover by preventing enemies from seeing through the thick smoke cloud, allowing for players to escape their line of sight. Sky Smoke is one of the most oppressive abilities in the game if used correctly.

Finally, Brimstone's ultimate, Orbital Strike is a devastating laser shot from the sky, which dishes out insane damage for a short period of time. The laser has a distinct center, which when stood in does the most amount of damage. Orbital Strike lasts for a lengthy period of time and dishes out insane Area of Effect damage in a particular area. Making it one of the most powerful ultimates in the game.

How to Use Brimstone's Abilities Effectively in Valorant

Now that Brimstone's abilities have been detailed, it is important to understand the best way to utilize them. Brimstone excels at an area denial playstyle, that can provide excellent support for his team while preventing any attacks from being launched by the enemy team.

Stim Beacon's use is fairly limited, its only real use is to turn the tide of battle in an intense fight. So tossing it at a highly populate area of cover and allowing your teammates to unleash a barrage of powered up bullets will turn the tide in a fight. Be sure to be wise when using Stim Beacon, as its primary use is to save your teammates during combat encounters.

Incendiary Grenade is a great example of Brimstone's excellent Area Denial skill-set. When tossed in the right spot, it can prevent your enemies from launching a successful offense. Tossing the grenade at an enemy's location can buy enough time for your team to establish better cover, positional advantage, or simply allow for some easy kills. Using the Incendiary Grenade effectively means that the enemy will be unable to launch a successful offense, as you are always harassing them with this powerful gadget.

Brimstone's Sky Smoke is, arguably, his best ability. Sky Smoke not only provides exceptional cover by limiting an enemy's line of sight, but it can also be used to hide the Spike's location. Due to Brimstone's ability to possess three Sky Smokes during a period of time, a player can use them more liberally than other smoke screen style characters. Brimstone players can use the Sky Smoke to cover an area's main choke-points or entrances, preventing enemies from being able to pick off your teammates. Or as mentioned, it can be used to hide the spike's location, preventing the enemy team from being able to disarm the weapon. Is used correctly, Brimstone's Sky Smoke can be the biggest factor in his team winning a match.

Finally, Brimstone's Ultimate, Orbital Strike, fits a similar niche to his Incendiary Grenade, except with ten-times the effectiveness. Orbital Strike shines the brightest, when placed onto the location of the Spike, dispatching of any enemy looking to disarm the Spike or to simply stop them from even being near its location. This ability can be used to dispatch of a well set up team, through its insanely high damage potential. If done in the right location it can also separate even a well-coordinated team, allowing for players to pick apart the enemy's defenses and strategy.  If used correctly Orbital Strike can simply end around and even a match. Its ability to shut down a particular area is unmatched in the game, making it a threat for even the most coordinated teams in the game.

Brimstone's arsenal of abilities is among the best in the game. And if used correctly, can shut down an enemy team's offense or defense.

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Valorant is available in early access on PC.