Valheim is a bustling wilderness of life, and in this survival game players can and must forge harmony with this life by taming it, controlling it, and using it. As in real life, bees are a very important part of the ecosystem, and players can get value out of them. One player who knows how important it is to have some beehives at their base created a beautiful structure that makes harvesting honey a breeze and keeps the bees happy which is what really matters of course.

There are loads of resources spread around the world that are needed for crafting life-saving items. One of the most important resources is simply honey, which is used in the making of mead - this game's version of potions. Players will need a fermenter to make mead, but it is worth it because potions will help protect players from the elements and take on stronger enemies and bosses, so it is vital to have a bee farm near a player's base.

Related: Valheim: How to Build a Fermenter

The difficulty with a bee farm is keeping the bees happy, as they don't like it when there is too much stuff to their sides, and they don't like to have structures above them. Unfortunately, just hanging the beehives from a roof or beam is the easiest way to set one up, but Reddit user thegnome54 designed a functional beehive farm that also looks amazing. They have placed several beehives in a raised honeycomb made of wood. It then opens up to form a beautiful blossoming flower with wooden petals placed around the honeycomb structure. The player merely has to climb up the ladder and harvest honey from on top of the wooden lattice, and the bees are all happy as they are not too crowded, and have nothing above them.

Valheim's world is full of creatures that players can tame and bring back to their base to add to their farm. Boars are the easiest to nab and put in a pen, and lox is hard to catch as they are dangerous, but once at the base and tame they will also provide lots of good materials. Wolves are quite difficult to catch and tame, as they live in the cold mountains and are vicious. However, a player who manages to pull this off can have their tame wolf follow them around and help them fight attackers. One player managed an amazing feat where they tamed 50 wolves and brought their army to take on the final boss in the game, and the wolves demolished the boss in seconds, the player not having to lift a finger.

The animals in Valheim can be dangerous, but also an essential part of players' survival. thegnome54 has been doing some bee research and knows that this stunning honeycomb blossom will wear away in the rain, but they haven't yet figured out how to put a shelter or protective beams over the beehives while keeping the bees happy. Hopefully, they will find a way to protect their structure from the elements without upsetting the bees, but at least they posted a video of their work of art before it is washed away.

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Valheim is available on PC in early access.

Source: thegnome54 - Reddit