As fiends of the night, Vampires in V Rising are not fond of natural sunlight and can even suffer substantial damage from the heavenly body from extended exposure. Although bloodsucking adventurers can postpone their activities and questing hours to nightfall, such a strategy is not a very efficient use of time. Therefore, players will need to understand how they can go about their vampiric duties and combat during the day while avoiding the sun damage from the scorching rays from above.

Unfortunately, it is not feasible to completely avoid damage from the sun in V Rising, as it is one of the central lore-related weaknesses of Vampires. On the other hand, there are several ways that players can reduce their exposure sun, mitigating the hazardous damage from its solar rays. Similar to real life, the first and most rudimentary technique of evading sunlight is staying within shaded areas. Vampires in V Rising will need to travel across the map during various times of the day to perform their tasks, meaning that the sun will undoubtedly be out at some time or other. Therefore, going off the beaten path and walking through the trees is an ideal strategy.

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In other words, V Rising fans should not see the roads in the world as a means of travel but as a directional guide, specifically during the day. Accordingly, follow the dirt highway from the safe wooded roadside to significantly reduce exposure to the sun. If players encounter a clearing without much cover, stick near a wall or tall objects in a "connect-the-dots-like" fashion.

Mitigating Sun Damage in V Rising

Mitigating Sun Damage In V Rising

In the beginning stages of one's playthrough, a Vampire's base camp will usually lack roofing, as it is a structural component that is unlocked later via progression. While one could stay near the walls of their enclosed home to stay in the shadows, this strategy can become quite inconvenient. To counter this predicament, undead adventurers will need to construct a Mist Brazier.

The Mist Brazier is a basic structure that can be assembled moderately early on in one's playthrough in V Rising. After setting up a Castle Heart and several boundaries, players will be able to build the Mist Brazier with Stone ×120. This device can prevent the rays of the sun from entering one's base at the cost of Bones as fuel. Mist Braziers will consume one Bone per minute, which is relatively inexpensive, as Bone is a common resource. However, be sure to deactivate the brazier at nighttime to conserve its fuel.

Next: How To Make Cotton Yarn & Cloth in V Rising

V Rising is available on PC.