Among Us is a game where various crewmates are expected to complete a variety of tasks so they can escape the map and head home. The catch is that there is at least one impostor on the map with them, and these impostors will try their best to eliminate crewmates without getting caught. These impostors can sabotage, use vents, and shift blame so they can continue killing off every other player. They are the main threat to any crewmate.

Related: How to Change Your Name in Among Us (The Easy Way)

But for the most part, if crewmates are not on the lookout for an impostor then they should be completing tasks. These can range from downloading data to rewiring a console and can take place at almost any area on the map. But one task a surprising amount of players have trouble with involves unlocking manifolds. This guide will go over how to complete that task and what the player should keep in mind while doing it.

How to Unlock Manifolds in Among Us

Among Us Reactor Room

So the player reached the task location and now sees a number pad with a random array of numbers. Completing this task is deceptively easy but it isn’t explained too well. But all the player needs to do is push the numbers in numerical order from 1 to 10. That’s it. Literally press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and so on.

But crewmate players are encouraged to complete this task as quickly as possible. The manifold task can be found inside the reactor room, which is fairly isolated. Which means any innocent crewmate in the area is left exposed. The area is so out of the way that any impostor who finds the player can easily take advantage of the situation and murder the player. So get in and out as quickly as possible.

It would also be beneficial for the player to take note of any nearby vents or players who may be in the area. Because more often than not, impostors don't enter the area looking for their next victim. Instead, they enter the area so they can get as far away from a crime scene or to appear as if they were doing tasks themselves. Barely anyone enters the area so that makes it for a very efficient hiding spot. So if someone follows a crewmate inside, be cautious. Odds are they are not around to complete their own task.

More: The Best Sabotages For Imposters in Among Us

Among Us is available on PC, iOS, and Android