One feature that Tower of Fantasy certainly outdoes Genshin Impact in is water traversal via the Jetboard, an SR Relic that allows its rider to surf across the water at a significantly faster speed than swimming. While Genshin's swimming mechanics are not necessarily unsatisfactory, a lack of aquatic gameplay polish might annoy many Genshin Impact fans when traversing deep rivers or large bodies of water. For instance, those without the 5-Star units Mona or Ayaka are stuck to sluggishly swimming across the water in an inconvenient fashion.

On the other hand, the Jetboard in Tower of Fantasy is a breath of fresh air for exploration and traversal, liberating players from the restraints of being a humanoid unfit for marine travel. It moves fast and can be used to even deal damage to enemies, launching targets upon impact. While the hoverboard Relic is less effective on land, it can accelerate movement speed if the player is riding down a slope. Furthermore, one of the best features of Tower of Fantasy's Jetboard is the ability to be activated while swimming, a mechanic that Ayaka's Kamisato Art: Senho and Mona's Illusory Torrent are incapable of.

Related: How To Unlock Merit Points in Tower of Fantasy (The Fast Way)

With the Jetboard's mentioned features above, Tower of Fantasy beginners are likely eager to know how or where they can unlock this mobility-enhancing Relic in the game. Fortunately, this hoverboard can be obtained relatively early on during one's playthrough. Moreover, the Jetboard becomes available naturally as Wanderers progress through the main story, meaning that they do not have to and actively acquire it. Instead, it is provided to them for free.

Unlocking The Jetboard Relic In Tower Of Fantasy

Unlocking The Jetboard Relic In Tower Of Fantasy

To unlock the Jetboard Relic in Tower of Fantasy, the Wanderer protagonist must reach the end of Chapter 1 in Astra. This chapter encompasses all the initial main story content with Shirli and lays the foundation for basic gameplay and exploration in Aesperia. Completing this portion of the questline should take less than one to two hours. However, those who prefer to explore all of Astra and see the main campaign as secondary will naturally take longer to reach the start of Chapter 2 in Tower of Fantasy.

Eventually, the player will reach a point in the story when they must depart from Astra Shelter. Before heading to the region of Banges, they must say farewell to Palu and Celine. However, before their departure, the Wanderer will be gifted the Jetboard, allowing them to follow the river northward. While riding atop the Relic, players will be capable of effortlessly crossing the sea to reach Banges in Tower of Fantasy.

  • Tower of Fantasy Key Art
    Tower of Fantasy
    Action RPG, MMO, Free-to-Play
    Hotta Studio
    Level Infinite
    In Tower of Fantasy, mankind has been forced to leave Earth in search of new frontiers due to the depletion of resources and energy. Now humanity has migrated to Aida, a lush alien world that supports human life. When humans discover a comet known as Mara which contains an energy source known as "Omnium", they build a Tower to contain it. However, Omnium radiation causes a catastrophic event which will require heroes from all over to bring everything back to normal. Tower of Fantasy is a free-to-play multiplayer game with action RPG elements, where players can create their own protagonists while gathering new heroes, weapons, and classes as they travel the world of Aida. Similar to Genshin Impact, players can partner with others as they travel the land collecting materials and upgrades for their teams. Tower of Fantasy has entered an early open access beta as of August 11th, and will fully release on Steam in Q4 of 2022.
    How Long To Beat:
    100h 13m