The Umbrella Academy released season 2, only for it to be immediately binged by eager fans, leaving them waiting for more. But when there is no more content to binge, entertainment continues to come in the form of the memes.

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Like all of The Umbrella Academy characters, Diego Hargreeves has gone through many emotional and physical hurdles. His character arc consists of a vigilante who is secretly soft, with love and revenge to give. His sibling relationships gave viewers different sides to his personality and made him more lovable than ever before.

"I Will Find You And I Will Kill You," Who?

One of the best moments of comedy to grace The Umbrella Academy, is no doubt, Öga for Öga. It lightened the mood when the eccentric and sweet Elliott was murdered by The Swedes. When Luther and Diego arrived back to the base to find Elliot killed in a gruesome way, they looked over the balcony and saw 'Öga for Öga' written in blood on the floor. Their first thought? Who is Öga Foroga? So they brought up the directory and found an Olga Foroga and threatened her, only for Five to tell them it wasn't a name but a Swedish phrase meaning "an eye for an eye."

This Moment Of Realization

Season 2 of The Umbrella Academy mentioned the controversy of whether the adopted sibling's romantic relationships were incestuous.  The subject of Allison and Luther's relationship was brought up in discussion by Klaus in the company of Allison and Vanya as they bonded in the hair salon.

RELATED: The Umbrella Academy: The 10 Best Characters, Ranked

"If you have to use the word technically, you're already in trouble." The blossoming relationship between Diego and Lila was thrown a curveball when the Hargreeves siblings realized she's one of them after she revealed her powers.

Vigilante Style

Allison, Five, and Diego go to Leonard's house. Allison uses the back entrance, Five teleports inside, and Diego goes smashing through the window. All the while, the front door was unlocked. Moments like this highlight the little differences of how each character is wired. This meme uses Diego's vigilante-style to poke fun at his decision-making skills.

At Least They Have Each Other

The Hargreeves siblings are unlucky in love. Klaus described the last "healthiest long-term relationship" as when Five was with Delores, the mannequin. In its short 2 seasons, the Hargreeves siblings have all had their hearts broken romantically. Luther and his complicated feelings toward Allison, Allison and Patrick, Allison and Ray, Vanya and Sissy, Diego and Patch, Diego and Lila, Klaus and Dave, and Ben's short-lived crush on Jill.

Entertainment At Its Finest

The Umbrella Academy has given its audience members chemistry. Each season showed different character combinations, deepening on their relationships. There are the smart combinations, the loopy combinations, the supportive combinations, and the badass combinations. While Diego and Luther had a power complex dynamic mostly based on their egos in the first season, the two were given a more lighthearted banter dynamic in the second season.

Diego's Love For Grace

When Diego mercy killed Grace in season 1 everyone thought it was the end for her character. But in the very same season, Grace was brought back to life by Pogo, only for both of them to die when Vanya escaped the Hagreeves household.

RELATED: Umbrella Academy: The Worst Thing Each Character Has Done

But season 2 surprised everyone by showing the real Grace, not the artificial lifeform mother Reginald created. Diego was one of the only siblings to interact with her, and it's no surprise as to why. He loves his mother, always has, always will.


Diego needs to sort out his priorities. When the Hargreeves siblings landed in their respective years during the 1960s, they were quick to create livelihoods for themselves. This meme shows how Diego landed gracefully in 1963, but that was about as far as his grace goes. Instead of trying to find his siblings, he decided to do the impossible, save John F. Kennedy, and change the future. This landed him in an institution.

The Brains Of The Operation


Klaus and Diego's relationship was one of the highlights of season 1. They were constantly exasperated and supportive of each other. Like all of the Hargreeves siblings, they had experienced a traumatic childhood. Klaus turned to drugs while Diego isolated himself.

RELATED: Klaus Hargreeves' 10 Most Hilarious Scenes In The Umbrella Academy

They were there for each other more than any of the others were there for them. They shared moments of understanding, hilarity, and heartbreak.

A Heartbreaking Moment

Childhood leaves its impact, no matter how many years a person has had to change their life. The Hargreeves siblings were neglected and abused for the sake of discovering their powers. They experienced traumatic events and lost one of their siblings to the tyrannical order of their father. When they finally had the chance to confront their father after his death brought them together, Reginald lashed out with the same indifferent cruelty he had always shown them.

This Heartwarming Moment

Ben is dead, which means the only person who can talk to him is Klaus. Or at least, that's how it was in season 1. Season 2 gave audience members incredibly wholesome Ben and Vanya, and Ben and Diego interactions. After Ben hijacked Klaus's body to talk to his crush, he had the chance to interact with Diego. Ben proved it was him by sharing a memory only Ben would know, and the two shared a long-overdue embrace.

NEXT: Umbrella Academy: 10 Memes That Would Make Even Sir Reginald Hargreeves Laugh