Screen Rant

  • Endgame contains a deep cut reference to the first Iron Man movie. 1 / 8

    Vertical Avengers Endgame Iron Man
  • Iron Man, of course, kickstarted the MCU back in 2008. 2 / 8

    Iron Man Endgame EW Cover Vertical
  • In that film, Tony Stark requests a cheeseburger upon returning to America. 3 / 8

    Iron Man Tony Stark Vertical
  • At a press conference, Tony announced his company would stop making weapons. 4 / 8

    Iron Man 3 Poster Vertical
  • Flash forward to Endgame, and Tony's daughter Morgan asks for a burger after Tony's funeral. 5 / 8

    Avengers Endgame poster vertical
  • This makes Happy Hogan laugh as he thinks about Tony 6 / 8

  • Burgers actually played a major role in helping RDJ get his life back on track. 7 / 8

  • A burger once disgusted him so much, he threw all of the drugs in his car into the ocean. 8 / 8