Jack Reacher: Never Go Back - Tom Cruise and Cobie Smulders

Tom Cruise has a history of making military films playing characters such as a Navy JAG officer (A Few Good Men), a Navy flyboy (Top Gun), and a young cadet (Taps). Now in his latest film, Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, he returns as a former military police officer. He admits he loves portraying characters serving in uniform. We caught up with him at Sunday’s world premiere in New Orleans for Jack Reacher: Never Go Back to find out what draws Cruise to such roles and what is next for the big star.

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, which opens in theaters on October 21, 2016, sees Cruise back in the role of Reacher. This time around though Reacher leaves his lone wolf persona behind as he meets up with love interest Susan Turner (Cobie Smulders).Upon visiting her, he discovers a major government conspiracy with Turner falsely imprisoned. As the two flee from the authorities, they find it crucial to help and protect a young teenager Samantha (Danika Yarosh). All three form this unconventional, dysfunctional family unit on their quest to uncover the lies of the conspiracy and to reveal the truth of what is really happening. The film mixes humor and Cruise's daredevil stunts—his signature brand.

When asked why Cruise is reprising his role as Reacher, he remarks he loves the character. He explains the best part of playing Reacher is "the stuff he gets to do." He adds, "I love to be able to play that kind of character...the way that he sees the world." He shares, "The way that he gets to solve these problems. I love the physicality of the character. I like the world that he goes into." He adds, "And the kind of situations that hit him. It's just really fun. It's fun kind of humor that you can play with."

Top Gun Tom Cruise Tony Scott

As for making films that center on military life and life in the service, Cruise confesses he loves those roles. He says, "I do. I do. I do. I love military characters." He explains, "The level of competence that they have and they exude that kind of confidence, because they are that competent...I enjoy that."

Next on deck for Cruise, Top Gun 2 is in the works. Cruise explains, "Well, we're working on it." He details, "We’re trying to figure it out." When asked if there would be any famous faces returning from the previous film, like a flashback to Goose, Cruise sadly admits, "Goose won't be coming back unfortunately... sorry." Well, here is to hoping that maybe Meg Ryan, who played Goose’s wife in the first film will return. Goodness gracious great balls of fire! Cruise could always use another singing partner.

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