Team Thor favorite Darryl (Daley Pearson) will not make an appearance in Thor: Ragnarok. The absence of Thor from Captain America: Civil War was sorely lamented by Thor fans, so Marvel decided to make it up to them by creating a pair of short films that showed what Thor was up to while most of the rest of the Avengers were busy fighting each other at an airport. These Team Thor shorts showed everyone's favorite hammer-wielding Asgardian chilling, having lunch with Bruce Banner, moving in with a regular-guy roommate named Darryl, and dealing with everyday problems like paying rent (something that is apparently very complicated to someone from Asgard).

Darryl proved to be so popular with fans that many clamored for him to join the MCU as a full-blown character, and the idea seemed to appeal to Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi who at one point teased the possibility of squeezing Darryl into the movie.

Maybe Darryl still will one day become an actual Marvel movie character, but we now know it won't happen in Thor: Ragnarok. Chris Hemsworth gave the bad news during a Thor: Ragnarok panel as part of Australia's Supanova Expo. However, Hemsworth did say maybe Darryl will make it into Avengers: Infinity War (though that movie already seems pretty well stuffed with characters). A Twitter user named Tyler James passed on the update, along with another nugget via Chris Hemsworth about the fate of Asgard:

Chris confirms that Daryl will NOT appear in Ragnarok. Possibly in Infinity War though... #ChrisHemsworth #Supanova— Tyler James (@Tyler_Cull3n) June 18, 2017

Asguard 'gets a bit of a makeover' in Ragnarok. #ChrisHemsworth #Supanova— Tyler James (@Tyler_Cull3n) June 18, 2017

Thor and Valkyrie in Hulk's bedroom in Thor: Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok may not have Thor's mild-mannered roommate, but it will have more of a comedic tone than other MCU movies as the trailers have made clear. Comedic as the film may be, Kevin Feige insists it will not be tonally the same as Guardians of the Galaxy. As far as new characters go, the movie boasts Cate Blanchett's Hela and Jeff Goldblum's Grandmaster, and frankly both those characters are more intriguing than Darryl.

The trailer already teased Hela breaking Thor's hammer Mjölnir and bringing some serious destruction to Asgard via firestorm. There has already been speculation that Hela is able to pull off these feats because she possesses the Soul Stone, the final Infinity Stone. There's also the expectation that Hela's activities will cause Thor and Loki to team up. Thor: Ragnarok not only has that whole storyline going for it, there's also the Planet Hulk material with Thor battling Hulk in a gladiatorial arena. And there's a storyline that has Thor and Loki searching for Odin with help from Dr. Strange. With all that going on, it's not a surprise that Taika Waititi was unable to find a scene for Darryl.

Next: Thor: Ragnarok Trailer Gets An Animated Parody Video

Source: Tyler James

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