Warning! Spoilers for Thor #23 by Marvel Comics below

The God of Hammers saga is about to reach its epic conclusion, as Thor is using the Odin-Force to stop his living hammer. However, as he uses his new powers, Lady Sif warns the God of Thunder that using too much of his newly inherited powers could lead him to fall into the All-Sleep, which will leave the Ten Realms without their top protector as they're thrown into peril.

Mjolnir has gained sentience and bonded with the villain Mangog to destroy the Ten Realms like never before. Thor's hammer became corrupted after being thrown into the heart of the Sun with the longtime Thor villain and emerged as a terrifying new threat to the Marvel Universe. The God of Hammers has done serious damage to both Nidavellir and the former home of Asgard, Broxton, Oklahoma. Thor is massively reaching into his powers to stop her, including absorbing the Odin-Force from his father.

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In a brand new preview of Thor #23 (H/T @CBR) by Donny Cates, Nic Klein, Matt Wilson, and VC's Joe Sabino, Thor uses his newly acquired Odin-Force after his father's sacrifice to stop the God of Hammers. Thor proves to be an equal opponent with the Thor-Force, but after his sword smashes against the villain, he calls Lady Sif for assistance. Sif warns the All-Father that using his new powers could lead him to fall into a deep All-Sleep, but Thor doesn't relent and asks her for her sword, Hofund.

Thor OdinForce Powers


Thor OdinForce Powers


Thor OdinForce Powers


Thor OdinForce Powers

Sif's warning is very real, as using too much of the Odin-Force causes the user to go into a deep sleep so to recharge the incredible power and heal. If Thor extends the Odin-Force too far and falls into the All-Sleep (otherwise known as the Odinsleep) during the battle with the God of Hammers, the Ten Realms will stand little chance at victory against the personification of Mjolnir. Thor needs to walk a fine line of using as much as the Odin-Force as he can, but not using too much to send himself into a slumber he won't awaken from until he's recharged.

Thor OdinForce Powers


Thor OdinForce Powers

With Hofund and Sif's Bifrost Powers, on top of his new Odin-Force-based powers, the God of Thunder has his best chance to defeat the God of Hammers. Considering the living embodiment of Mjolnir seemed unstoppable at one point, Thor has done everything to equip himself with enough powers to stop them. Will he be able to stop the God of Hammers with the Odin-Force and other powers? Readers will find out more, when Thor #23 arrives in comic book stores on Wednesday.

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