Warning: Contains spoilers for Thor: Love and Thunder.

In Thor: Love and Thunder, the central story creates a massive plot hole for the Infinity Saga and the Avengers: Endgame Thanos storyline. When the Infinity Saga came to an end, the MCU was already a huge narrative, spanning over 20 movies. Now, with Phase 4 underway, the Disney+ TV series have made the MCU an even larger and more sprawling interconnected story, and it is becoming harder to avoid contradicting past plots.

In Thor: Love and Thunder, Gorr the God Butcher (Christian Bale) is forsaken by his god, the Light Bringer, and kills him with the Necrosword. As Gorr seeks to put an end to all gods, he seems to be killing gods one by one, but ultimately lures Thor (Chris Hemsworth) into the open so that he can claim Stormbreaker. With Stormbreaker in hand, Gorr is able to open the way to Eternity. Eternity is able to grant one wish to the first living being to reach it, and Gorr plans to use this wish to eliminate all gods from existence in a single go.

Related: Wait - Is That Galactus In Thor: Love & Thunder?!

The Thor: Love and Thunder plot around Gorr and Eternity creates a massive Avengers: Endgame plot hole, not because of how Gorr ultimately uses his wish, but because it reveals the existence of Eternity. Not only is Eternity able to grant wishes so powerful that they could wipe out all gods on a cosmic scale, but it is revealed that Thor and Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) knew about Eternity. Faced with the disappearance of half of all life in the universe, Thor and Valkyrie never try to reach Eternity to undo Thanos’ snap during the five years of the blip. With such a power existing in the MCU, the Avengers could have used a wish rather than time traveling to other timelines to retrieve the Infinity Stones or Thanos could have made his vision reality with a wish that would have left no way to undo his actions.

Why Thor Never Used Love & Thunder’s Eternity To Fix Thanos’ Snap

Thor sitting alone in Avengers Endgame

While Thanos likely did not know of Eternity’s existence (he was killing people more manually before he learned of the Infinity Stones), when Eternity is mentioned in Thor: Love and Thunder, Thor and Valkyrie immediately know what it is. However, Zeus (Russell Crowe) mentions that Gorr needs a key to access Eternity and the Asgardians seem unclear on what that is. It is only when Jane Foster (Natalie Portamn), Valkyrie, and Thor find Gorr’s notes in the Shadow Realm that they learn that the Bifrost is the key.

This suggests that Thor and Valkyrie might have known that Eternity existed, but not known how to access it. While Heimdall was no longer available to help use the Bifrost in Avengers: Infinity War, by the time that the snap had happened and Thanos had destroyed the stones, Thor had Stormbreaker which granted him access to the Bifrost once again. This means that even though Thor might not have known how to access Eternity, it remains an Avengers: Endgame plot hole as the possibility is not even raised by Thor or Valkyrie, despite how deeply Thor was affected by not having prevented Thanos from using the Infinity Stones.

Eternity Is An MCU Plot Hole Beyond Avengers: Endgame


Even outside of undoing Thanos’ Avengers: Infinity War snap, Eternity poses larger plot holes for the MCU for any point prior to Thor: Love and Thunder and Gorr using Eternity’s wish. The fact that Eternity only grants one wish and it is available for Gorr means that Eternity has never been accessed before. Odin would have surely known of its existence and, while the Odin seen in the MCU might have shied away from using it, the conquesting Odin who worked with Hela in flashbacks might well have sought to use the power in his conquering of the Nine Realms and would have had access to the Bifrost.

Related: Gorr's Daughter Love Explained: Eternity Origin & Powers

In the time after Avengers: Endgame, the team and eventually much of the world mourned the loss of Tony Stark’s Iron Man and Natasha Romanoff’s Black Widow (and, to a lesser degree, Vision). During this time, Thor must have known that Eternity might be able to bring one or all of them back to life. Instead he never raises Eternity’s existence, leaving Tony’s family to mourn him. Had Thor ever mentioned to Clint Barton that there might be a way to bring Nat back, there is little that would have stopped him exploring the option, even if it might have negative repercussions. Thor: Love and Thunder’s introduction of Eternity creates a plot hole beyond even Avengers: Endgame that could have changed the entire fact of the MCU.

Next: Thor: Love & Thunder Easter Eggs & Marvel References

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