With This Is Us on its final season, the audience is wondering what is going to become of the Pearson family by the final episode. While it's unlikely there will be a plot twist, it's interesting to wonder what would become of the characters if a sudden zombie apocalypse turned their world upside down.

Related: 10 Burning Questions We Need Answered In The Final Season of This Is Us

With so many emotionally charged but strong characters within the series, there's some speculation as to who would survive the undead. Certain characters may be more capable than others against the zombie horde.


Randall looking serious in This Is Us

While Randall will do just about anything for his family, that's what would be his downfall in a zombie apocalypse.

One thing that's obvious throughout the dozens of zombie movies and shows is that the nice ones don't usually last too long. Randall has proven that his dedication to giving his family a good life is one of his most positive characteristics. Though Randall has the smarts and physical fitness to survive, his protective nature would be why he doesn't survive a zombie apocalypse.


Kevin Pearson smiling in This Is Us

One of Kevin's personality traits that define him is him always trying to do the right thing even if it's not what he wants.

That's why Kevin Pearson has the potential to be a great hero within a zombie apocalypse. Unfortunately, another type of person who often doesn't last very long is the one who needs to save everyone. Kevin would do the dangerously stupid, heroic thing to save a bunch of survivors from the flesh-eaters, but that would ultimately end in his demise.


Kate Pearson looking serious in This Is Us

It may be shocking to see the Big Three the least likely to survive a zombie apocalypse, but their personalities, while not negative, are not ideal for surviving the undead.

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Kate Pearson has some serious trust issues, which is completely understandable after her ex-boyfriend Marc treated her terribly and Toby kept things from her. Though it isn't always the best idea to trust someone in an apocalypse, trust issues can also lead to a lack of support and those willing to fight for one's safety.


Rebecca biting her lip while holding flowers in This Is Us

Rebecca's undying motherly personality would surely make her a martyr at the end of the world.

One thing that is absolutely undeniable within the series is that Rebecca would do just about anything for her children, even if it turns out to be a terrible choice. Fans of zombie films and shows know that the mothers are often either the strongest, most resilient ones or the ones who make the biggest sacrifice of all. Rebecca has made it clear she couldn't bear to lose her children, so her fate would be the latter.


Madison looking at Kevin in This Is Us

While Madison is quite the resilient type, she is also known for making rash decisions.

One of Madison's worst decisions was getting engaged to Kevin during the pregnancy with the twins. Though it would have been healthier for her if they did not get engaged, she was drawn in by the idealistic future of a happy family. Making rash decisions is possibly one of the most deadly characteristics to have when one is trying to survive a zombie apocalypse.


Sophie looks wistful on the phone with Kevin Pearson in This Is Us.

While some of the characters in the series are far less likely to survive a zombie apocalypse, Sophie has some skills that would be an asset.

If there's one type of person most valuable during an apocalypse, it's the ones with medical training. While Sophie is the type to be self-sufficient, she would also be a huge asset to any survival group. She's more likely to survive simply for the fact that she has a skill set people would want to protect and utilize.


Beth looking to her left and smiling in This Is Us

Beth Pearson is an honest, open communicator who is always ready for difficult situations.

Related: Beth Pearson's 10 Best Quotes

While her expertise probably does not entail a zombie apocalypse, she has the skills that might make her more equipped to deal with the catastrophe. She's far more level-headed than much of the Pearson clan, who tend to let their emotions drive every decision. Out of all the adults in the family, Beth is the most likely to keep her cool.


Deja Pearson giving side eye in This Is Us

Deja is one of the best characters that was introduced to appeal to a younger audience. In every good zombie apocalypse movie, the audience needs the witty, mature teen to exceed expectations.

Deja has a reputation for exceeding expectations. From a young age, Deja had to learn how to take care of herself, which has led her to hesitate opening up to people until she is certain they are trustworthy. With her intelligence, street smarts, and thoughtful demeanor, Deja has a good shot at surviving a zombie apocalypse.


Cassidy and Ryan Sharp talking in This Is Us

Cassidy Sharp is one of the side characters that has proven her resilience over and over again.

While the army-trained, stern character is a bit of a cliche within an apocalypse film, Cassidy Sharp would play the part quite well. Though she's had her share of mistakes, she's unrelentingly strong and level-headed. Her hard time making friends may give her some trouble when she needs a team to fight off the undead, but when she finds people she can trust, she's loyal.


Jack Pearson looks down while in Vietnam in This Is Us

In an alternate world than the current plot of the story (where Jack is still alive), he would have all the personality characteristics to be a certain survivor.

Jack Pearson would be the Rick Grimes of the This Is Us: Walking Dead Edition. He cares deeply for his family and would do whatever it takes to keep them safe. And since he knows he's the best one to keep them safe, that also means ensuring he lives to keep fighting for them.

Next: 10 Characters We Want To Return In The Final Season of This Is Us