The Office is full to the brim with some of the most lovable characters of all time. Whether it be the bumbling Regional Manager Michael Scott, the lovable prankster Jim Halpert, the cute and collected Pam Beesley, or the eccentric and entertaining Dwight Schrute, there's no denying the fact that each character in The Office adds their own charm into the mix, making for a show that is endlessly watchable for all the right reasons.

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One of the characters who has been quite memorable in this regard is none other than Stanley Hudson, a character that might seem like he has the hardest exterior of everyone in the office but actually has more depth than one might perceive. That being said, it's not like Stanley is devoid of any faults as a character.

It's Weird How He Chooses To Stick Around In A Place He Despises

Stanley Hudson from The Office

It's pretty popular knowledge at this point that Stanley absolutely hated his job and couldn't wait to finally retire and be free of Dunder Mifflin once and for all.

That being said, he does spend an awful amount of time at the place regardless. Surely someone who complained about their job wouldn't still bother to stick around for years, right?

The Fact That He Always Left Sharp At 5 PM Could've Caused Problems

Stanley Hudson from The Office

While it's true that the timings for Dunder Mifflin Scranton are from 9 AM to 5 PM, there are times when any office would want their employees to stick around during crunches and the like.

That being said, Stanley is never shown to stick around the office post 5 PM, which begs the question — are there situations when he's left regardless of how much work there is on his plate? Because that's slightly irresponsible on his part.

It's Hard To Believe That He Actually Has No Awareness Of His Surroundings

Stanley Hudson from The Office

There's a very popular The Office cold open where Stanley drinks Jim's OJ, mistaking it to be his cup of coffee... and doesn't even realize it. This leads to a string of humorous instances when the Scranton branch tries their hardest to distract Stanley in a bid for him to notice anything off about the workplace, which he miraculously doesn't!

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While this is certainly a funny gag, it's still somewhat hard to believe the sheer lack of spatial awareness that Stanley displays in this particular instance.

He Should've Been Fired A Long Time Ago For His Dismissive Behavior

Stanley Hudson looking towards someone in The Office.

There are times when Stanley ignores the word of upper management, even going so far as to snapping at Michael in one particularly memorable episode after Michael bugs him during a crossword quiz.

However, regardless of how annoying Michael may be, there's no denying his authority as a Manager and his boss. There were grounds to fire Stanley at that very moment, along with other such moments in the show. However, this doesn't turn out to be the case, and Stanley enjoys a stable employment period till his retirement.

It's Weird How Much attitude Michael Takes From Him

Stanley and Michael in The Office

Michael might definitely be somewhat of a pushover, but there's no denying the fact that Stanley crosses a line multiple times when it comes to interacting with this lovable misfit.

For Michael to take his employee's attitude without being too upfront about it is certainly somewhat weird. At some, he should've taken a stand against Stanley and strongly reprimanded him for his actions.

Dwight Should've Definitely Been Fired For Giving Him A Heart Attack

An image of Dwight heating up a door handle in The Office

That being said, what Stanley does to Michael is nothing compared to the heart attack that Dwight indirectly inflicted on Stanley with his memorable fire drill.

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The fact that Dwight wasn't instantly fired after endangering the life of his employees is a testament to just how lackadaisical and incompetent Dunder Mifflin's upper-level management really is.

He Should've Left The Office After Suffering Through This Medical Emergency

Stanley looking at the camera with an annoyed expression

After facing such massive stress in the office, the most logical move for Stanley would've been to preserve his health and opt for an early retirement, especially to avoid a place that could generate an unhealthy level of stress at pretty much any point.

Instead, he decides to stick around for years, indicating that maybe he doesn't really care about his health after all.

It Didn't Look Like He Changed His Eating Habits Either

Dwight and Stanley holding meatballs

If Stanley wanted to stick around Dunder Mifflin for the long haul even after his heart attack, then the least he could've done was change his eating habits for the better.

However, that's not the case — he still goes out of his way to eat the most unhealthy food products around, which is certainly quite weird indeed.

For Someone Who Hates His Job, He's Weirdly Passionate About It Too

Stanley Hudson laughing on the phone in The Office

It's been established time and time again that Stanley absolutely hates his job at Dunder Mifflin. However, his behavior at certain points during the show contradicts this notion by quite a margin.

From wanting to enroll profitable clients under his belt to securing as many bonuses as possible through sheer hard work, it seems that Stanley certainly loves his job. So, for him to talk about his work like it's a chore is quite hypocritical indeed.

He's Ridiculously Unfriendly... But Everyone Still Loves Him

Stanley's gift to Phyllis in The Office

Perhaps the weirdest thing about Stanley is the fact that he's constantly crass, rude, dismissive, and quite unfriendly in general... and yet, everyone in the office simply can't get enough of him.

The gift he gave to Phyllis at the end of the series is certainly indicative of the fact that he is somewhat of a softie deep down, but there's still no denying the fact that people still love him a bit too much considering how rude he portrays himself to be.

NEXT: The Office Meets Parks & Recreation: 5 Couples That Would Work (& 5 That Wouldn’t)