The recently-concluded The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power was a true powerhouse for its studio, Prime Video. More importantly, it also illustrated the continuing relevance of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, particularly The Lord of the Rings, which remains beloved in both its book and movie forms.

However, while there is still much to love and enjoy about Peter Jackson’s film adaptation, it also has to be said that there are some very cringeworthy moments in these movies. The users of Reddit have been particularly adept at identifying the most egregious of these.

10 Gollum Tricking Frodo With The Lembas

Gollum leads Frodo Baggins to Shelob's lair

There’s no denying that Frodo and Sam have one of the best friendships in The Lord of the Rings. Their bond is almost unshakable, and without Sam Frodo would probably never have succeeded in his quest. Naturalnumbers identifies the following as a key cringe moment: “The entire part where Gollum frames Sam for eating bread and Frodo believes him and sends Sam down the mountain to wander in the wilderness until he dies.”

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Not only is this a betrayal of their characters, it also doesn’t make a great deal of sense. Fans have questioned exactly where Frodo thought Sam was going to go since they were in the lands of the enemy. For that matter, they couldn't even believe that Frodo was foolish enough to believe Gollum. The entire moment is just very cringe-inducing.

9 Making Gimli Comic Relief

Gimli sitting in the Lord of the Rings

For many, Gimli is one of the best characters in The Lord of the Rings. Some Redditors, however, cringe at the movies’ depiction of him. Pocketsand16, for example, writes: “In the movies trying to make Gimli a little too much comic relief in the line of “I’m wasted on cross-country. We Dwarves are natural sprinters! Very dangerous over short distances.”

They do have a point as these moments start to feel a bit too trite. While they certainly help to leaven the heavier material that is typical of the movies, these moments start to seem increasingly out of place as the movies progress and the stakes of the conflict grow higher.

8 Nuclear Galadriel

Galadriel influenced by the Ring in The Lord of the Rings

It’s common knowledge that Galadriel is one of the most powerful beings in Middle-earth. However, the revelation of her power, when she almost takes the Ring, didn’t sit well with some Redditors. TurboBubby writes: “I was never a fan of the special effects when Galadriel was tempted by the ring. She was supposed to be "beautiful and terrible" but it always comes off as”

It is, indeed, one of those cringe moments where one does wish Jackson would have reined in some of his impulses. Instead of creating this moment of sweeping drama, it comes across as being more than a little cheesy and, ultimately, just too much.

7 Legolas’ Acrobatics

Legolas looking for Gimli on a horse

Legolas is one of the most formidable warriors in the entire trilogy. However, some of his stunts are a little cringey from the point of view of Redditors. Cascadianheathen1, for example, identifies this particularly vexing moment: “the part when Legolas is shooting the wargs as they charge and then he turns and does this really weird, physic defying maneuver to pull himself up on a passing horse.”

Obviously, it’s intended to show just how skilled Legolas is. However, while it is very much in keeping with the book version of the character, it doesn't always obey the laws of physics and is one of those moments in the movies that just goes a bit too far to be believable.

6 Faramir’s Taking Of The Hobbits To Osgiliath

Frodo and Sam facing Faramir in Osgiliath

Given that it’s an adaptation, it was inevitable the movies would make changes to Tolkien’s book. While some of these worked, others were positively cringe, and Accomplished-Duty105 writes: “I wasn’t stoked how Faramir decided to take Frodo to Minas Tirith instead of releasing him as in the books.”

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This particular move is cringe for two main reasons. First, it violates Faramir’s character, since he is one of the few who can resist the Ring (and this is important to juxtapose him to his father and brother). Just as importantly, it is also a decision that is very quickly reversed, making the viewer wonder why he did it to begin with.

5 “They’re Taking The Hobbits To Isengard”

Legolas looks out at the land in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

The Lord of the Rings is a trilogy that has many great lines of dialogue. Some are beautiful and haunting while others, unfortunately, are both cringe and unintentionally funny. Legolas’ exclamation is in the latter camp, and TurdMomma writes: “that will never fail to make me laugh out loud. It’s just so bad.”

It’s not that it’s a bad line in and of itself. However, it is just one of those moments where the movie threatens to puncture its own constructed reality, taking the viewer out of the moment and making them aware of the constructed-ness of the dialogue.

4 Gandalf Bargaining For Saruman’s Life

Saruman falls to his death in Lord of the Rings

Saruman is one of the best fantasy villains. However, his final standoff with Gandalf is a cringey one for Redditor Pjoernrachzarck who writes: “When the movies suggest Gandalf was bargaining for Saruman's life in exchange for information, and that in fact his life is only worth said information, I could not believe my ears. It still upsets me.”

This is, in fact, one of those strange moments that feels more than a little half-baked. It’s clear that it wants to heighten the tension of the moment, but ultimately it ends up reflecting poorly on Gandalf’s character and motivations, which is hardly what the movie seems to want.

3 The Formation Of The Fellowship

The Council of Elrond in The Lord Of The Rings

The Fellowship is, of course, one of the most important groups in the movies. It is this central importance which makes Elrond’s announcement so cringe for many Redditors. KoalaGold, for example, writes: “I've always hated how forced and cheesy Hugo Weaving's delivery of this particular line felt, especially after all that buildup to it.”

Clearly, this is one of those moments which is designed for those who aren’t familiar with the original novel, as it helps them to know just who the Fellowship actually is. At the same time, it is also an instance in which the movie is just too plain obvious for its own good.

2 When Aragorn Kills The Mouth Of Sauron

Aragorn and the Mouth of Sauron in Lord of the Rings

Aragorn’s slaying of the Mouth of Sauron in cold blood is one of those changes to the story that irks many people. Redditor maistrechat, for example, puts it this way: “I get that it’s supposed to be a “hell yeah” cathartic moment but the idea that honorable king Aragorn would just murder somebody who is essentially a diplomatic envoy just doesn’t sit right with me.”

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In this case, the cringe stems from the fact that what Aragorn has done is a fundamental violation of all of the rules of war. And, more to the point, it is also a betrayal of the central persona of one of the most heroic of Lord of the Rings characters.

1 The CGI Transition To Rivendell

The cinematic transistion between the forest and Rivendell in The Lord of the Rings

There are many great locations in The Lord of the Rings, and one of the most notable is Rivendell, which is a land of beauty and refinement. However, the transition to it from the moment when Frodo lies dying on the banks of the River Bruinen leaves something to be desired. As Redditor quick_study9 puts it: “The idea is totally fine but I saw someone say that it looks like a PowerPoint slide transition and I can’t unsee that.”

This seems to be one of those cringe moments that is, at least in part, a function of the movie’s age. Today’s moviegoers are perhaps used to a different kind of cinema, and so Jackson’s efforts can sometimes seem quaint by comparison.

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