Along the way of surprising audiences and making them laugh, The Good Place also had many heartwarming moments. The show's sweetest scenes are those that feel uplifting and rewarding in the context of the show's themes and character development.

RELATED: 8 Things That Brought Us Closure (& 2 That Didn't) In The Good Place

Many of these Hallmark moments are related to the gradual and profound development of Eleanor and Michael as individuals and in their relationships with one another. In addition to being rewarding and satisfying, many of these scenes also contain valuable lessons that the audience can learn from, which is all part of the show's focus on trying to become the best version of themselves that anyone can be.

Jason Encourages Tahani To Be Nicer To Herself

Jason and Tahani in The Good Place

When Tahani tries to throw an impressive party for the neighborhood, Vicky tortures her by simultaneously throwing an unbeatable party with fireworks and magical animals. As someone who prides herself on throwing the best parties and being an impeccable hostess, Tahani is humiliated that Vicky's party is impossibly better than hers. She spirals even further as she begins to believe that she is a shallow and vain person.

When Tahani is at her lowest, Jason cheers up with some empathetic and wise advice. He tells her to be nicer to herself. A lot of the torture used in The Good Place is self-inflicted torment. Jason's advice is an important reminder that everyone can benefit from, as people too often criticize themselves when they should be kinder.

Eleanor Brings Chidi's Paradise Fantasy To Life

Chidi and Eleanor dock their boat in The Good Place

Chidi is dedicated to his moral duties, often at the expense of his own happiness. While this is impressive, it can also be sad and frustrating. Chidi struggles to reconcile with this as he dedicates himself to helping Eleanor and teaching her to become a better person while denying himself of his paradise dreams.

Eleanor shows that she genuinely cares for him by bringing Chidi's nerdy paradise fantasy to life in one of his best moments, as he always wanted to row out on a lake with a bottle of wine and some French poetry. Eleanor shows that she can be kind and thoughtful and surprise Chidi in the best of ways.

Michael's Pep Talk To Eleanor

Eleanor and Michael talk in The Good Place

When Eleanor loses faith in herself and some of the other members of the Soul Squad begin to lose faith in her as well, Michael gives her a much-needed pep talk. He helps her see that it's okay to be imperfect and to feel like she's not capable of running the experiment that will determine humanity's future in the afterlife.

RELATED: 10 The Good Place Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

He commends her for being tough, resilient, having a big heart, and being able to see through people's lies and deceptions. These traits are what make her the only person who can do the job. Moments like these show the development of Michael and Eleanor's relationship and the power of believing in her even when she doesn't believe in herself.

Michael Calls Janet His Oldest And Dearest Friend

D'arcy Carden as Janet in The Good Place

When Janet's glitches threaten to destroy the neighborhood and expose the alliance between Michael and the humans, Janet believes the only way to salvage the situation is for Michael to marbleize her and replace her with another Good Janet. Michael keeps coming up with excuses of why he can't do it until finally admitting that he can't do it because Janet is his oldest and dearest friend.

This moment occurs only a few episodes in season 2 after Michael began working to redeem himself. It demonstrates how much he's developed as he values his friendships over the success of his plans. Not only does he value his friendships, but he sees this Janet as her own person who he loves and respects, and not just as a helpful afterlife assistant.

The Al-Jamil Parents Reconcile With Their Daughters

Tahani and Kamilah Al-Jamil reconcile with their parents in The Good Place

Ever since they were children, Tahani and Kamilah were pitted against each other by their parents. Desperate to win their approval, the sisters would do anything to outshine each other and therefore had a resentful relationship. While Tahani and Kamilah eventually reconciled, it seemed impossible that the parents who were the root of the problem would ever see the error of their ways.

Thanks to the tests they had to go through to enter the Good Place, the Al-Jamil parents came to understand what they did to their children, and when they arrived there they apologized for everything and expressed how much they loved their daughters. It was heartwarming to see the Al-Jamil family reconciling and spending many happy Jeremy Bearimys together after a lifetime of resentment and toxicity.

Eleanor And Chidi Say "I Love You"

Chidi and Eleanor in a bed on television in The Good Place

One of the most game-changing moments in Eleanor and Chidi's relationship comes in reboot 119 when they say "I love you" to each other. Chidi is a usually indecisive person and Eleanor spent her whole life struggling with commitment.

RELATED: 10 Best Life Lessons Chidi Taught Us In The Good Place

It is momentous for both of them to so easily and confidently profess their love without hesitation. It shows the strength of their relationship and how it is helping them grow as individuals. While their memory of the moment is wiped away, they cannot deny the genuine love between them when watching a recording of it.

Eleanor Is The Answer

Chidi and Eleanor in The Good Place season 4

Before Chidi gets his memory wiped at the end of season 3, he writes down "There is no answer, but Eleanor is the answer" on a piece of paper and gives it to Janet. When Chidi gets all of his memories back in season 4, the first thing he does is ask for the paper to give to Eleanor. Chidi and Eleanor's love transcends memory wipes, life, and death itself.

Their relationship has endured countless obstacles, yet always finds a way to persevere. Even though Chidi and Eleanor have been uncertain about many things, their romance is one thing that they can be sure about, and it also helps them find the answers of how to fix the afterlife.

The Soul Squad Get Into The Good Place

The Golden Balloon that takes the Soul Squad to the Good Place in The Good Place

A shocking season 1 plot twist revealed that Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason were actually in the Bad Place. After being tortured through 802 attempts of Michael's experiment, being brought back to life, running an experiment of their own, and figuring out how to fix the afterlife, it is fitting that they finally get into the actual Good Place.

No one deserves it more than them and it is only right that the other members of the Soul Squad (Michael and Janet) go with them as well. This group fought tirelessly to make things better and to stick together and it is satisfying to see them rewarded for the fruits of their labors, even if they do end up needing to fix the Good Place as well.

 Michael Becomes A Human

The Good Place - Michael Plays the Guitar

Michael was always fascinated by humans. He got excited by the smallest human things like paperclips or a rewards card. This made it a fitting ending for Michael to become a human toward the end of the series finale. After all his curiosity, fascination, and the admiration he came to have for people, it is rewarding that he got to be one.

He got his own rewards card, learned to play the guitar, texted a friend he was 5 minutes away when he actually hadn't left his apartment yet, told a stranger to "take it sleazy," and he was delighted by all of these experiences. Michael got a great conclusion and ironically taught many people great life lessons about humanity.

NEXT: 5 The Good Place Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Deserved More)