The Good Place ran for four seasons on NBC. While it began as a comedic story about fish out of water, Eleanor Shellstrop, attempting to fit into The Good Place, it quickly grew into something more. The series became known for posing philosophical questions where decisions became heavily based on ethics.

RELATED: NBC's The Good Place: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have After The Finale

The show always raised questions about what it meant to make it to the Good Place or Bad Place and how the points system worked. Storylines focused on what it took for characters to understand their negative choices to become better. The harder they worked to improve the system, the more they grew as individuals.


As one of the leaders of the Bad Place, Shawn was against progress. He enjoyed torturing those who made it to the Bad Place and was not interested in changing things. Shawn is against Michael's plan to change the points system until "You've Changed Man," an episode dedicated to preventing Judge Gen from destroying the world to start over.

During a conversation with Michael, Shawn admits that his interest in torture has gone down, and it has become boring to him. In the series finale, Shawn is involved in creating the tests to reach the Good Place.

Mindy St. Claire

Eleanor drinks with Mindy St. Claire in the medium place

Mindy St. Claire was the one and only resident of the Medium Place. She was a lawyer in the 1980s who only wanted to make money and get high on cocaine. However, after an epiphany, Mindy decided to create a plan for a charity that would help to improve society. Immediately after beginning to implement the plan, Mindy died, and her sister launched the foundation, naming it after Mindy.

RELATED: The Good Place: 10 Best Life Lessons Eleanor Taught Us

The Good and Bad Places fought over Mindy for a while, eventually coming to the compromise of the Medium Place. Mindy also helped the Soul Squad to hide at her house and use her backyard to create the testing neighborhood. Later, Eleanor convinced Mindy to take the test to make it to the Good Place.


The Good Place Chidi and Vicky

Vicky initially posed as "Real Eleanor," during Michael's first attempt at the neighborhood. In the following season, Vicky plays a significantly smaller part of Michael's community. Vicky's wish is to play a large role in torturing the humans. She eventually blackmails Michael, telling him that she has kept track of all his failed neighborhoods and plans to tell Shawn if Michael does not take Vicky's demands seriously.

Although Vicky remained a team player for the Bad Place for the majority of the series, Vicky's interest in storytelling outweighed her desire for torture. She was a natural at creating neighborhood tests that felt genuine.

Bad Janet

Bad Janet was on team Bad Place for most of her time on the series. Yet, after reading Michael's manifesto, Bad Janet changes sides. When the Soul Squad is in trouble, she gathers many other Janets, including Bad Janets, Good Janets, and Disco Janet.

For a character who was meant to only focus on siding with the Bad Place, it proves what can happen when Bad Janet has been rebooted multiple times. Evolution has allowed Bad Janet to understand another perspective, even if she did not want to do the work.


As a Not-A-Girl and Not-A-Robot, Janet was meant to do what was asked of her. Although Good Janet was never intended to be able to grow, The Good Place reveals that with every reboot, Janet becomes more evolved. Michael had rebooted the system over eight-hundred times and had rebooted Janet just as many.

RELATED: The Good Place: 10 Best Life Lessons Jason Taught Us

Due to the restarts, Janet developed more than any other of her kind, except for Bad Janet and Derek. Janet's relationship with Jason also helped Janet understand different forms of emotion that she would not have grasped otherwise.

Jason Mendoza

Jason got into the Bad Place for his impulsive actions on Earth. He was quick to come up with schemes but never take the time to think them through. Rather than consider the ramifications of his actions, Jason had no issues with exploding someone else's boat and locking himself in a safe with the intent to steal money.

With help from his friends, Jason grows to understand some of his immoral actions while also remaining himself. The series finale shows Jason having learned the art of patience, waiting for Janet to show up again instead of growing bored.

Tahani Al-Jamil

Jealously and the need to one-up her sister made Tahani's good actions null and void given her motivations were corrupt. After learning the truth about her past during season three, Tahani tries to make amends with Kamilah to save as many people as possible. Tahani's actions of making up with her sister also have a positive effect on Kamilah, as confirmed when Michael proves that favorable treatment toward others helps people do better.

One of Tahani's continuous storylines involved organizing a perfect party, and in a way, the finale lets her do just that. Instead of walking through the door, Tahani decides to become an architect for the neighborhoods.

Chidi Anagonye

Eleanor sits next to Chidi in The Good Place

There was a time when trying to pick a muffin was enough to get Chidi to spiral. His inability to make a choice gave him problems his entire life, and also gave them to his friends and family. Even in the afterlife, Chidi could not make a solid choice without overthinking every step.

RELATED: The Good Place: 10 Funniest Chidi Scenes

Only after Michael returns all of Chidi's memories do a few stick out that tell the story of how he tried to understand people's choices. Chidi's memories also reveal that just before Michael rebooted Chidi, he realizes there was no grand answer for everything in the universe, but that Eleanor is the answer for Chidi.


Michael smiling and pointing at someone in The Good Place

Although Michael's initial goal was to create a neighborhood that would force the four humans (Eleanor, Chidi, Jason, and Tahani) to torture each other, Michael developed beyond those ideals. The more his neighborhood failed, the more desperate he became to succeed until he realized that he needed to team up with the humans to have a likely chance of avoiding retirement.

The longer Michael worked with them, the more he grew to care for them and wished to protect them as he got better himself. However, Michael would never understand what it took to get into a human's head without the help of his friends, most of all, Eleanor.

Eleanor Shellstrop

Eleanor walked through life, only looking out for herself. She had no intention of changing that, especially as everything in her life leads her to believe that to do anything else causes heartbreak. Only after reaching the Good Place does Eleanor determine she needs to change her ways. Granted, this occurs given her desire not to be sent to the Bad Place. Yet, her ethics lessons with Chidi could not help but rub off.

She finds herself moving out of the way for customers at the frozen yogurt shop without thinking about it. Eleanor's selfish tendencies get called out in the finale when she believes Chidi is close to leaving. However, her growth as a person has shown Eleanor that she can not keep Chidi with her if he is ready to go. Doing the most selfless thing she can, Eleanor gives Chidi her blessing to leave. Afterward, Eleanor does good deeds for a few remaining friends before leaving the Good Place.

NEXT: The Good Place: 5 Reasons The Series Finale Was Perfect (& 5 Things We Wish Happened)