With the first look of Gotham Knights coming out and the CW announcing new superhero shows and renewing old ones, comics fans are truly winning. The CW just renewed The Flash for its ninth season, making it the network's longest-running show. Barry Allen and his team have been entertaining people for years, endearing themselves to DC and television fans everywhere.

With eight seasons securely under their belts, the characters of The Flash have had a lot of time to evolve, change, and develop in both themselves and in their relationships with each other. Sometimes the conversations and lines of dialogue between characters can tell the audience a lot about the unique aspects of their personalities.

Barry Allen

"Whatever’s In Store For Us, They Can’t Change What We Mean To Each Other. Can’t Erase What’s In Our Hearts."

Grant Gustin as Barry Allen in The CW's The Flash

Even though he's a superhero, Barry Allen is and always has been a family man. The people that he loves, his family, and his friends are his number one priority at all times. He's somewhat famous for his emotional and heartwarming speeches, never hesitating to let his loved ones know how much they are loved and valued.

Related: 10 Filler Episodes Of The Flash That Are Still Great

It may be cheesy, but Barry is the living embodiment of the phrase, "Love conquers all." He lives by this mantra, proudly wearing his heart on his sleeve and relying on his friends and family for support and strength. Some truly terrible things have happened to Barry, but he always clings to his love for his family and relies on their love for him to get through it.

Iris West-Allen

"A Little Fear Can Be A Healthy Thing. It Helps You Determine Which Risks Are Worth Taking."

Candice Patton as Iris West-Allen in The CW's The Flash

Iris West-Allen doesn't fulfill the wife-of-a-superhero stereotype. Before she finds out that Barry is the Flash, she's determined to figure out who the mysterious Scarlet Speedster is, using her journalistic skills to uncover the truth and consequently getting herself into danger. Despite multiple warnings from the Flash, Barry, and her father, she runs without hesitation into dangerous situations to help others.

Iris's adventurous and impulsive nature doesn't change when she marries the fastest man alive. She joins his team of superheroes and continues to take risks for the greater good. When she wants to do something and she truly believes in it, she won't let anyone stop her. Iris is one of the most important characters in the show, though that may not be a popular opinion.

Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost

"Just Because It's A Different Life Doesn't Mean It's A Worse One."

Caitlin Snow leads a very unique life. She has two personalities, one being the mild-mannered, brave, and smart Dr. Snow, and the other being an unpredictable, violent metahuman named Killer Frost. It takes her a long time to figure out how to balance and equally control the two very different personalities, but once she does, she makes it work for herself.

Caitlin may live in a very unconventional way, and she might hit some bumps along the road, but she learns how to embrace being different, and once she does, she makes it her mission to help others like her embrace their uniqueness. Caitlin's bravery and determination to live as herself make her a valuable asset and a good friend.

Cecile Horton

"It's Okay To Be Scared And Angry. But I Just Need You To Save A Little Bit Of Room For Hope."

Dani Nicolet as Cecile Horton in The CW's The Flash

The former district attorney and mind-reading metahuman, Cecile Horton is quite a strong member of Team Flash. She also serves as the mother of the group, as she is great at giving realistic, applicable, and encouraging advice.

Related: 10 Characters Who Appear The Most In The Flash

Cecile is wonderfully in touch with her emotions, allowing herself to express herself and never invalidating her feelings. When things are bad, she can both grieve and see the light at the end of the tunnel. Team Flash needs her to function properly, especially in times of need.

Chester P. Runk

"I'm Ready, Willing, And Caffeinated, Sir. Put Me In, Coach!"

Brandon McKnight as Chester Runk in The CW's The Flash

Chester Runk is one of the newer members of Team Flash. A self-proclaimed nerd, he is an extremely enthusiastic and fun-loving person who is just so excited to be a part of the team.

Reliable, fun, and lighthearted, Chester fits in perfectly with everyone else, never losing his enthusiasm and excitement. His lovable and hilarious personality makes him extremely endearing, and he is also an extremely hard worker who strives to do everything he can to help.

Cisco Ramon

"Why Do The Crazy Ones Always Name Themselves?"

Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon in The CW's The Flash

Cisco Ramon, a genius engineer, strives to keep morale up in S.T.A.R. Labs by cracking jokes and giving cool names to supervillains. Even though he is an incredibly intelligent person who has a lot of skills to bring to the table, his defining characteristic is his sense of humor.

Even though The Flash doesn't necessarily follow the comics, Cisco becomes his superhero, Vibe, and even then, his humor doesn't fade. When it seems like things are going wrong, Cisco is always there to make his friends laugh and try to make the best out of the situation. He can be counted on for a laugh and a shoulder to lean on when the going gets tough.

Joe West

"Some Things, Barry, You Can't Fight."

Jesse L. Martin as Joe West in The CW's The Flash

Joe West, Iris's father, has always been the one steady voice of reason in Barry's life, and even the lives of everyone else on Team Flash. As a detective, he is very passionate about bringing justice to the world and helping people, but he also knows when things are beyond his scope, something that can be very difficult to see clearly when fighting for good.

Related: Each Main Character's Worst Decision In The Flash

One of the most important things that Joe teaches Barry is that not every problem can be solved and not every bad thing can be fought and destroyed. Through his years on the force, Joe has learned that fighting isn't always the answer, and sometimes it's not even an option. Even though that concept is difficult to swallow, Joe has made his peace with it and makes sure the people he works with understand that too. His level-headedness, realistic worldview, and perpetual calmness are huge parts of his character, and this quote embodies that perfectly.

Bart West-Allen

"Yo, This Place Is Crash!"

Jordan Fisher as Bart Allen in The CW's The Flash

Though The Flash is a show that garners mixed reviews, the introduction of Bart Allen, aka Impulse, definitely got everyone excited. Even though he only appears in a handful of episodes, Bart is one of the most lovable characters on the show. The best word to describe him is "excitable." He's a very enthusiastic, excited, eager young man who wants to do everything he can to impress those around him and take down bad guys.

Everything about Bart is fast, he even talks fast. He never hesitates to simply go for it, even if it's not the best idea. He seems to get excited about everything, and visiting his young parents in the past is no exception. Bart spends his brief time with Barry, Iris, and Nora in awe of his parents, their abilities, Team Flash, their operations, and their place in the past. To put it simply, Bart is always excited and enthusiastic, and this quote sums up his personality well.

Nora West-Allen

"It’s Just That I Saw You Jump Off A Building Last Week And That Was Awesome So I Thought Maybe I’d Come With You While You Did Some Detective Work?"

Nora West-Allen, Barry and Iris's daughter, is a mix of her parents' personalities: she's science-minded, compassionate, and speedy like her father, and she's enthusiastic, feisty, and fearless like her mother. Since she spends the entirety of Season 5 as a supporting character, audiences know Nora significantly more than her brother, Bart, though the similarities between the two are many.

Nora's pure excitement and eagerness to learn from her parents are unmatched. She gets excited over everything, in awe of Barry and Iris's skills and the lives they lead. It's so clear that she admires them both deeply, and she wants to be just like them. When Nora first meets her young parents, she treats every moment with them as a learning experience, soaking up everything they say and do. This funny quote where Nora gushes over Iris perfectly captures her enthusiastic nature and eager-to-learn attitude.

Next: 10 Worst Things To Happen To Barry Allen