WARNING! This article contains SPOILERS for That '90s Show season 1!That ‘90s Show makes Donna’s (Laura Prepon) return even better by finally fulfilling her teenage dreams from That ‘70s Show. While Eric, Kelso, and Jackie only make cameo appearances in That ‘90s Show, Fez and Donna appear in three episodes of the sequel series’ first season. Donna’s recurring role allows That ‘90s Show season 1 to better explore what happened to her after That ‘70s Show, including how she acts as a parent, her marriage with Eric, her relationship with Red and Kitty as family members, and her career in 1995. As anticipated, the burning questions about Donna from That ‘70s Show are finally given satisfying answers in That ‘90s Show.

The original characters had complicated rides as they reached what appeared to be the end of their stories in That ‘70s Show season 8, with most still being teenagers when the sitcom concluded. As such, That ‘70s Show couldn’t depict the full realization of their dreams, especially since some storylines weren’t entirely wrapped up. In the series finale, Eric returned from Africa and left his teaching program, Donna decided to finally go to college, Kelso moved to Chicago to be with his daughter, and Jackie and Fez had their first kiss as a couple. While most of their stories have deviated from the original ending, That ‘90s Show fulfills Donna’s franchise-long arc.

Related: That ‘90s Show Proves How Bad That ‘70s Show Season 8 Was

Donna Finally Became A Writer In That ‘90s Show

That 90s Show Season 1 Leia Forman Donna Pinciotti Kitchen

The pilot episode of That ‘90s Show reveals that Donna Pinciotti finally became a writer after That ‘70s Show. Donna’s talents as a writer and interest in making this her career was a recurring part of her character, so it’s rewarding to see her having achieved such dreams before That ‘90s Show. In fact, Red and Kitty mention that they read the reviews for her new book, indicating that Donna has been a published writer for some time. From her story in the school paper about breaking up with Eric in That ‘70s Show to a published book in That ‘90s Show, Donna’s journey as a writer is one of most fulfilling aspects of her return.

In Eric’s dream episode of That ‘70s Show, the alternate reality established that Donna had stopped writing after getting married to Hyde and quickly having children, which Eric thought was a mistake because of how talented she was. Since That ‘90s Show reveals that Eric and Donna got married and had Leia almost immediately after That ‘70s Show’s ending, there were fears that her character would potentially follow this same alternate path. However, That ‘90s Show season 1 relieves these worries, as Donna still went to college, became a published writer, and moved to Chicago while raising Leia.

Why Moving To Chicago Was Perfect For Donna & Eric

Donna and Eric sitting on a car smiling in That '90s Show

Donna’s return also indicates that another of her dreams from That ‘90s Show came true: To leave Point Place. Donna never wanted to be "stuck in this stinky little town,” so she went on birth control in That ‘70s Show season 1 to avoid being kept there by a child. Thankfully, That ‘90s Show reveals that despite having Leia at a young age, Donna left the small Wisconsin town and moved to the big city of Chicago, where she grew her family and career as a writer. Donna and Eric were able to forge their own life with Leia in Chicago, while still keeping Point Place in their hearts by visiting Red and Kitty.

Next: All 4 Major '70s Show Characters Missing From That ‘90s Show Season 1