Turns out that love in the '70s isn't that different from love today. In fact, rumors suggest love started in the '70s. It was in the mid-'70s when Donna and Eric fell in love. They were friends since childhood and soon love blossoms. Of course, no couple is perfect. Indeed, there are always ups and downs. At the same time, there are a few things that don't make sense.

Donna and Eric's love story was the heart of That '70s Show. It's safe to say the show wouldn't be the same without them. It's a simple story that could happen in the '80s, '90s or even today. Eric's the nerdy Star Wars fan who never gets the girl. Donna's the perfect girl next door that Eric dreams of. His dreams come true and they start dating. Of course, all the heartbreak and tears weren't part of his dreams. Regardless, their love is strong even when they break up. In other words, they're soul mates.

Like most teenagers, they make mistakes and mess things up. On the other hand, they're able to make things work. They might be teens but the love's very real. However, they're not the perfect couple. In fact, a few things make little sense about them. Eric's insecure and has trust issues. Donna seems to take him for granted. They fall in love, break up, reunite and leave each other. Here's a closer look at the '70s.

Here's That '70s Show: 25 Things That Don't Make Sense About Donna and Eric's Relationship.


In season 1, it's clear that Eric and Donna like each other. Of course, they're teens and don't know what to do about it. Eric feels that Donna's out of his league but he likes her a lot. Donna makes the first move and kisses him. His dreams are coming true.

He's a teen so he almost screws things up. Later in season 1, Eric meets his sister's friend Kate. He can't control himself around her and he kisses her. Donna's angry and for good reason. He finally has a shot with Donna and kisses another girl. Luckily, Donna forgives him.


That 70s Show Donna

Donna and Eric's love story wasn't always good. In fact, they went through a very difficult break-up. The break-up was hard on both of them. They tried to move on and date other people. However, Donna ends up in a serious relationship first.

Indeed, she starts dating Casey Kelso. Later, Eric and Donna get back together. Donna's hurt and upset when she finds out Eric dated other girls during that time. It seems odd she's angry about that. For one, she openly dated Casey. Plus, it's normal for Eric to try to move on too.


Laura Prepon as Donna in That '70s Show

Donna had dreams of landing a great job and moving from Point Place. She loved Eric but was an independent woman. Staying at home and being a housewife didn't excite her. That's why she was so happy to land a job at the radio station. She even gets to be a DJ and have a show. Most boyfriends are happy for their girlfriends.

However, Eric's insecurity caused him to be jealous. He didn't like how much she was focusing on her new job. Eric felt she should focus her time on him. He wasn't very supportive or a good boyfriend.


In season 7, Donna and Eric attend a women's rally in the park. They want women to feel safe at night in the park. Donna often attends rallies like this so Eric decides to join her to show support. In fact, he has a pretty good time at the rally.

Of course, soon Eric and Donna are making out behind a bush. Eric accidentally traps her hair and Donna yells at him to get off. It's an innocent moment but the other women think he's attacking her. They then proceed to chase and attack him. At no point does Donna try to defend him or explain what really happened.


Donna and Eric become engaged but nobody really supports them. In fact, their parents think they're too young. At the time, they're still in high school. They realize they might be marrying too soon but don't want to call it off. Instead, they decide to move to Madison.

Eric and Donna are ready to move but Red has a heart attack. Eric's forced to stay and help his parents. He's angry that he can't move at that time. For some reason, it appears that's the only chance he can move. They could have put off moving a little longer and still make the move. Instead, Eric and Donna never mention Madison again.

DONNA decides to abstain

That 70s Show Billy Dee Williams Pastor Eric Donna

Eric is like any teenage boy from any year. He likes Donna and wants to be intimate with her. However, Donna wants to take things slow. There's nothing wrong with that at all. She does make Eric wait forever before things heat up.

At the start it makes sense but she does it again later. After meeting with their pastor, Donna decides to no longer be intimate with Eric. Well, until the wedding night but Eric can't wait that long. At this point, it doesn't make any sense. It seems like she just wants to torture Eric.


Donna decided to write a short story about their break-up. It helped her deal with it but the entire school got to read it. The story paints Eric in a bad light. He comes across as a cruel and mean boyfriend.

That was far from the truth. Donna didn't understand that it bothered him. In fact, she acts like he's just being a baby. He decides to write his own story but she's angry with him about it. In the end, he apologizes to her first. It doesn't seem fair that it's okay for her to write the story but not him.


Eric often felt that Donna could do better than him. To be fair, he wasn't the only one. That jealousy often created issues for them. At the same time, Donna does take him for granted. For instance, she starts working at the radio station and gets tickets to a concert.

At the concert, Donna gets the chance to go backstage and meet a bunch of famous rock stars. She doesn't think twice about it and ditches Eric. She doesn't understand why it bothers him. It makes sense that he would feel jealous and concern. His beautiful girlfriend is hanging out with famous rock stars.


Clearly, Eric has a very tough time trusting Donna. It's noting Donna ever did but his own insecurities. Regardless, it creates tension between them. For instance, David Milbank comes back to town and hits on Donna. Obviously, Eric doesn't like it.

Donna becomes upset that Eric doesn't trust her. He needs to work on his trust skills. In fact, he trust issues often push Donna away. He feels the need to make it obvious they're dating. To be fair, he was once mistaken for her brother. Regardless, he needs to have better trust skills.


At times, Eric and Donna could be a bit unreasonable. However, Donna seems more unreasonable after they break-up. For instance, they decide to go to the Price Mart Ball just as friends. The entire episode she insists it's not a date.

She even talks to a bunch of guys at the ball. Regardless, she's angry when Eric gets another girl's number. At that point, she suddenly considers it a date. It's odd she could make that shift in attitude. Eric is just doing what she wants him to do. She's then angry with him for doing it.


Eric dreams of being with Donna. Even when she likes him he's still not sure. He doesn't everything to get her attention. Anytime a guy hits on her he gets insanely jealous. He even tries to lock her down with a promise ring.

However, he's not ready to tell her he loves her. In fact, he's in shock when she says it first. Eric should be happy she expresses how she feels. Instead, he tells her he loves cake. It seems odd that he wouldn't say it back. To be fair, the cake is amazing.


In the early seasons, Eric often apologizes for something he did. In fact, he must jump through hoops to make it up to Donna. It can range from something minor to something huge. There seems to be an imbalance though. It feels like Eric's constantly apologizing while Donna doesn't. Even when Eric's right and Donna's in the wrong.

They even did the same thing to each other but Eric's the only one to apologize. For instance, they both wrote insulting short stories but Eric apologizes first. It's a recurring theme in the show.


Eric's dream was to end up with Donna. However, Donna's dream was to leave Point Place. She wants to be more than just a wife. She finally has a chance to move away for college. Eric can't go because he needs to help his parents but doesn't want her to go.

Eric even tries to guilt Donna into staying. Later, it seems like she leaves but instead chooses to stay for Eric. He should have told her to go and make things work. In fact, when he gets the chance to move to Africa he takes it without asking her first.


Donna's parents begin fighting and eventually split up. The fighting is tough on Donna and she doesn't know where to turn. She could turn to Eric but she chooses not to. She feels Eric won't understand because his family's perfect.

Instead, she leans on Hyde who comes from a similar situation. However, Eric's clearly bothered by that fact. He would like to be the one she leans on. In this case, both seem to be wrong. Donna should understand Eric's feelings. At the same time, he should understand the tough time she's going through.


Donna and Eric take things very slow. It's a few seasons before their first time. They both build it up in their minds. However, Donna's not impressed with the whole event. In fact, she tells Jackie that Eric's "lame" their first time. Jackie then tells Kelso who humiliates Eric.

It's odd she would tell Jackie considering she likes to gossip. She could have spoken with Eric about it. Instead, she tells Jackie who blabs. In addition, she doesn't consider the fact it was their first time. To be fair, it works out for Eric in the end because Donna wants to practice a lot.


Eric and Donna were madly in love. There was only one tiny issue. Eric didn't understand why she loved him so much. In fact, he was certain she would leave him for someone else. He was jealous of David Milbank and even Hyde.

His insecurities were a bit of a turnoff. He would obsess over the smallest detail. Indeed, his insecurities caused a lot of problems for them. Donna felt he just didn't trust her. Eric's one of those guys that struggles with dating someone out of his league.


After dating Eric, Donna starts seeing Casey Kelso. He much older than she is but she falls for him. He doesn't feel the same way and breaks her heart. It's then she decides she wants to be with Eric again. Apparently, she didn't realize this earlier.

It does seem that she's just rebounding with him. Eric had deep feelings for her but she broke his heart and moved on. When she's in a similar situation she turns to Eric. He doesn't want to be anyone's second choice. She so upset that she ran off to California with Kelso and didn't tell Eric.


For nearly two seasons Donna and Eric were planning their wedding. They overcame many obstacles to finally make it to that day. At first, their parents didn't approve but eventually, they did. However, Eric got cold feet and ran out on Donna. He claims it's because he felt she was giving up her dreams. Donna was heartbroken and alone.

Later that night, Eric finally shows up in her bedroom. Donna's upset but soon forgives Eric. In fact, she forgives him fairly easily. They even spend the night together. In the end, they don't marry and the whole idea's dropped.


Eric always wanted to be with Donna. He wanted to settle down and start a family. Donna had other plans and wanted to move. However, she changes her plans and stays for Eric. That makes it a bit confusing when Eric leaves without her.

He lands a job teaching in Africa and takes it without talking to her. He doesn't even ask her to come with him. Eric easily leaves the love of his life behind to pursue his new sudden dream. They wanted to marry just a few seasons ago. Now he just leaves her behind.


Donna and Eric were opposites of Jackie and Kelso. Jackie and Kelso couldn't keep their hands off of each other. On the other hand, Donna made Eric take things very slow. Eric was a good boyfriend about it but he's still a teen.

In fact, she made him wait several seasons before their first time. In addition, she loved to tease Eric. She would let him think she was ready and then tell him she's joking. She truly enjoys torturing the little guy. Eventually, they do become intimate.