Screen Rant

  • Linda Hamilton returns as Sarah Connor in Terminator: Dark Fate. 1 / 7

  • But what of her son, John? 2 / 7

  • Edward Furlong confirmed he would have a small role in the upcoming movie. 3 / 7

    terminator Arnold t-800 TLDR vertical
  • And his facial reference is used, grafted onto the face of a body double. 4 / 7

    Terminator 2 John Connor Vertical
  • The scene also features a younger Sarah Connor via the same technique. 5 / 7

  • And sets up the rest of the story. 6 / 7

    The Terminator Sarah Connor vertical
  • This is an alternate to de-aging which may not have been possible with John. 7 / 7

    The Terminator set vertical