Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Teen Wolf: The Movie.The opening scene of Teen Wolf: The Movie raises various important questions. While the rest of the Teen Wolf movie is set in California, where the entirety of Teen Wolf itself was set, the opening scene does not even take place in the United States. The Teen Wolf movie opens with Liam Dunbar in Japan, rather than with Scott McCall, who is essentially the protagonist, just like he was in the show. The opening scene also sets up the conflict of the Teen Wolf movie by introducing the main villain.

Teen Wolf: The Movie does not exactly pick up where the series left off. In fact, the film is set more than ten years after the end of the original series, with all the main characters now moved on from high school. After the Teen Wolf movie time jump, many characters, like Scott and Lydia Martin, are shown no longer living in Beacon Hills. Although some may have relocated, however, Liam is certainly the furthest away, living in Japan at the beginning of the film, before the Teen Wolf characters reunite in Beacon Hills once again.

Related: Teen Wolf Movie Timeline: How Long After The Show It Takes Place

6 Why Did Liam Have The Triskelion Urn In Japan?

Liam in Teen Wolf movie

Teen Wolf: The Movie's opening scene sees Liam living in Japan, running a restaurant with his partner, Hikari. While Liam was only introduced in Teen Wolf season 4, he quickly became a very important character, as he was the only werewolf bitten and, therefore, turned by Scott, and soon joined his pack. The Teen Wolf movie's opening underlines the importance of Liam's role in Scott's pack, especially considering the fact he is the one to have the Triskelion Urn.

After the ending of the Teen Wolf movie, it is not clear whether Liam will return to Japan after the Nogitsune gets defeated. Similarly, at the beginning of Teen Wolf: The Movie, the reason why Liam was in Japan is left unexplained, as well as why he would have brought the Triskelion Urn with him. It is not hard to imagine that Scott would have trusted Liam with the Triskelion Urn, and they perhaps both decided it would be safer far from Beacon Hills, where many would suspect it to be, given that it is revealed to contain the spirit of the Nogitsune.

5 When Did Hikari Become A Pack Ally?

Amy L. Workman as Hikari Zhang, Dylan Sprayberry as Liam Dunbar, Colton Haynes as Jackson Whittemore and Holland Roden as Lydia Martin in the Beacon Hills sheriff's station in Teen Wolf The Movie

The Teen Wolf movie opening scene introduces Hikari Zhang. She is shown as Liam's partner, who he seems to be running the restaurant with. In the first few minutes, Hikari is revealed to be a supernatural creature herself and, more specifically, a Kitsune. Although the presence of Hikari makes the absence of Kira worse in Teen Wolf: The Movie, the role she plays in the film becomes central, and essential to the success of Scott's pack because of her power as a Kitsune, given that the Nogitsune can be described as a Void Kitsune.

It is not exactly clear when Hikari became an ally to Scott's pack, nor how she met Liam in the first place, as these questions do not get an answer in the Teen Wolf movie. What is known, however, is that somebody wanted the Triskelion Urn to use it against Scott and his pack, and Hikari seems to be trusted by the whole gang. In fact, her presence in Beacon Hills with Liam is not questioned by anybody, just like her place as part of Scott's pack is not up for discussion when she and Liam join the others in California.

Related: Where To Watch Teen Wolf (& Its Spin-Offs)

4 Why Did The Hooded Man Have An Argent Bullet?

Argent bullet in Teen Wolf movie

The return of Crystal Reed as Allison Argent to the Teen Wolf world, and essentially back to life, was one of the major discussion points that preceded the release of Teen Wolf: The Movie. Allison died at the end of Teen Wolf season 3 in the same plot that saw the Nogitsune serve as a villain. Teen Wolf: The Movie's opening scene calls back to Allison and teases the major role she will play, as it features what evidently is an Argent bullet, but why the hooded man possesses one remains a mystery.

While this may be a little detail used for foreshadowing the future events of the Teen Wolf movie, such as Allison coming back and Chris Argent being possessed by the Nogitsune, it is an important one that may be a blueprint for future spinoffs in the Teen Wolf universe. The Argent bullet also calls back to Allison discovering that the only way to hurt and defeat the Onis was by using Argent against them. Therefore, the hooded man having an Argent bullet may suggest that he knows about the Nogitsune's weakness.

3 How Did Mr Harris Learn About The Nogitsune?

Teen Wolf movie screenshot Nogitsune stealing Kitsune tails

Adrian Harris is known in Teen Wolf as the science teacher from Beacon Hills High School who was presumed dead, despite the fact that his body was never found. Mr. Harris is brought back as a villain in Teen Wolf: The Movie in a twist halfway through that reveals he was controlling the Nogitsune all along. It is possible, therefore, that Mr. Harris may have been the hooded figure in the opening scene who retrieves the Triskelion Urn from Liam in Japan or, at least, that the hooded figure was somebody sent by him.

As one of the Teen Wolf cast members who returned for the movie, Mr. Harris is one of the most significant roles in the film. In Teen Wolf: The Movie, Mr. Harris wants to control the Nogitsune in order to hunt down Scott and his allies as a form of payback for what has happened to him. While Teen Wolf: The Movie does explain Mr. Harris' motives for wanting revenge on Scott and his pack, the film falls short in explaining why exactly Mr. Harris would be using the Nogitsune to do so and, more importantly, how he learned about the Nogitsune to begin with.

Related: Why The Teen Wolf Movie Has Swearing & Nudity

2 Why Is The Nogitsune A Firefly, Not A Housefly?

Teen Wolf movie Nogitsune Werewolf form

The Teen Wolf movie's opening scene also shows the Nogitsune in the form of a firefly as it escapes the Triskelion Urn it had been trapped in. Similarly to Stiles' jeep in Teen Wolf, the firefly has a deeper metaphorical meeting. Far rarer than simple houseflies and with a much more peculiar color, fireflies have been an ongoing theme throughout Teen Wolf, visually representing the supernatural elements that have flocked to Beacon Hills. The firefly metaphor is used to represent supernatural creatures once again in Teen Wolf: The Movie, but exactly why the Nogitsune is a firefly rather than a housefly can only be guessed at.

1 How Did The Nogitsune Possess Argent So Fast?

Nogitsune pointing in Teen Wolf The Movie

The Nogitsune is a supernatural creature introduced in Teen Wolf season 3, and is a villain that can possess the body of an individual in order to create chaos, which it then feeds on. At the beginning of Teen Wolf: The Movie, Argent, one of the Teen Wolf characters returning for the movie, is possessed by the Nogitsune. This is quickly unmasked by Deaton, who realizes it is the Nogitsune he is talking to, and is able to unveil its true nature by asking a series of riddles. However, Teen Wolf: The Movie never really explains how it is possible Argent was possessed by the Nogitsune so fast.

More: Wolf Pack Being Majorly Different To Teen Wolf Makes Its Release Date Vital