Almost three years after the hundredth and final episode of MTV's Teen Wolfthe series continues to be loved and missed by its many fans. What fans love most about the show is its quirky cast of characters.

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The teens of Beacon Hills from heroic pack leaders to witty detectives and pranking jokesters, but the adults are just as compelling to watch. Each season introduced new characters and new villains to make life harder for Scott McCall and his pack. Here is a list of the show's quirky characters assigned to a Chinese zodiac sign.

RAT: Lydia Martin

Lydia Martin stares ahead in a promotional image for Teen Wolf

Lydia is known for her intellect and resourcefulness, which are two of the traits that characterize those born in the year of the rat. However, Lydia is also very versatile and kind.

She would do anything to support and protect her friends, even if it means putting herself into danger. But she's usually fine because she's so resourceful, even when she's trapped in Eichen House. Lydia's trademark quality is her quick wit, something the Chinese rat is best known for.

OX: Scott McCall

Scott McCall staring ahead in the finale of Teen Wolf.

If any character on Teen Wolf is dependable, it's Scott. As the only True Alpha in the series, he's arguably the strongest character. He remains someone for his friends to call even after the loss of his first love. He's always around to pick up the pieces.

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The Chinese ox is diligent and determined, too. Everything Scott sets his mind to, he follows through on. He never gives up, even when the situation seems hopeless - which is why he often ends up victorious.

TIGER: Malia Hale

The tiger is brave, confident, and competitive. Malia is all of these qualities, intensely. Her animal instincts remove some of the inhibitions her peers may have, but it also prompts her to run into danger thoughtlessly.

She's unabashedly confident, even when she maybe shouldn't be. Finally, her competitive spirit cannot be quelled. She's up for any challenge, even trying to catch up to her friends academically.

RABBIT: Danny Māhealani

Danny sits in front of Stiles in Chemistry in Teen Wolf

Though he's a side character, he quickly became a fan favorite. He makes a great scene partner for Stiles. Danny's quiet, responsible personality contrasts with Stiles' to result in some of the funniest scenes in the show.

Like those born in the Year of the Rabbit, Danny is quiet, elegant, kind, and responsible. But he knows more than he lets on; in one of his final scenes, he reveals to Ethan that he's known about Beacon Hills' supernatural for quite some time.

DRAGON: Mason Hewitt

An image of Mason looking concerned in Teen Wolf

Mason is so excited by the supernatural world that he gets his own taste of it when he hosts the Beast. He's overly confident, like when he charges a Dread Doctor armed with nothing but a baseball bat.

However, he's also one of the most intelligent characters in the series. For all of his sarcasm, his enthusiasm equips him with the desire to learn new information and find solutions to the pack's problems.

SNAKE: Derek Hale

Derek Hale looking serious in Teen Wolf

The biggest mystery in season 1, and perhaps for many of the following seasons, is Derek Hale. He's such an enigmatic character that the others fear him. His other snake-like qualities are his intelligence and wisdom. Though he's young, he's experienced a lot, as hinted at by the color of his werewolf eyes.

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He knows more about the supernatural activity of Beacon Hills than almost any other character and knows things about the Hales, Argents, and werewolves that nobody else does. His intelligence and common sense save Scott and his friends time and again.

HORSE: Stiles Stilinski

Stiles Stilinski in Teen Wolf

For those born in the Year of the Horse, the only Teen Wolf character who could match the horse's traits is Stiles. He's the most animated, active, and energetic character of the series. Sometimes his energy is a burden to his father and Coach, but for fans, it's just amusing.

Every conversation he has is punctuated by his quirky facial expressions, fluctuating tone of voice, wild hand gestures, and interesting word choice. However, he's also one of the smartest and most courageous members of Scott's pack.

GOAT: Kira Yukimura

Kira meets the Skinwalkers in Teen Wolf.

Kira is gentle, sympathetic, and usually calm, as the Chinese goat is known to be. She doesn't immediately stand up for herself, but she's always there for her friends. She'll listen to anyone's problems and offer her condolences and advice.

Unfortunately, her gentle nature means that it takes a while for her to gain control of her powers. Malia isn't too happy when Kira's unsuccessful attempts at giving power to a lightbulb results in a shard of glass lodged into her forehead.

MONKEY: Allison Argent

Allison Argent lost in thought in Teen Wolf.

Sharp, smart, and curious, Allison is the best Teen Wolf character to represent the Year of the Monkey. Her precise intuition and instinct make her an excellent huntress, even if she's fighting for the wrong side at first.

Her curiosity is what spurs her to discover the only way to kill the Oni in season 3. She's one of the smartest characters in the series, as she proves time and again when she saves her friends from tricky situations.

ROOSTER: Sheriff Noah Stilinski

As the county sheriff, Noah Stilinski is one of the most observant, hardworking, and courageous people in Beacon Hills. These are all trademark qualities of the rooster. He works around the clock to keep his town and family safe.

Sometimes his leadership is underappreciated, but other times, he's the character people look up to. Stiles seems particularly hell-bent on following in his father's footsteps and won't stay out of his business, even when it's confidential. Noah stays calm in even the most dangerous situations, using his intellect to solve mysteries.

 DOG: Natalie Martin

Lydia sits with her mother after deciding not to cover up her bruises in Teen Wolf

Lydia's mother shares a brief relationship with Noah Stilinski but is mostly remembered for her personality. She is a supportive mother to Lydia, and when they appear on screen together, it's clear where Lydia gets her wit - and sense of style - from.

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Natalie is generally seen as lovely, honest, and prudent. The latter causes much irritation, particularly for Scott and Stiles. When Natalie starts teaching at Beacon Hills, she's adamant that the teens focus on their schoolwork, and not on being heroes and dragging her daughter into danger.

PIG: Alan Deaton

Deaton acts as the father figure Scott is missing in his life: he's compassionate, generous, and diligent. Outside of his emotional connection with Scott, he's a great mentor for many supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills, as well as their friends.

He's wise beyond his years, which comes from the knowledge he's acquired as a vet and druid. When Scott is just an employee working at his clinic, Deaton shows his compassion when agreeing to a raise, as well as showing concern over Scott's schooling, home life, and general wellbeing.

NEXT: Teen Wolf: 10 Red Herrings We Wish The Series Pursued