Teen Titans is one of the funniest DC superheroes shows out there. Each main character has a strong personality and individual quirks, which leads to a lot of humorous interactions between them all. This often results in the characters coming up with very funny quotes.

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These quotes may be a pun or come from the character being exasperated about something, but that doesn't strike down their humor. Ultimately, these quotes manage to bring some light-heartedness into the series, and each main character has a funny quote that stands out amongst everything else they have said.

Robin - When He And Starfire Were Talking About Their Relationship

"Should've Let That Slug Eat Me When I Had The Chance."

Robin looking up in the Teen Titans show.

Robin generally isn't one for making jokes, but he still has his moments. This includes a time when he and Starfire are stranded on a planet with a killer slug. It's already an awful enough situation, but then Robin, who isn't very good with feelings, suddenly has to talk to Starfire about the nature of their growing romantic relationship.

This is terrifying to Robin, so when Starfire saves him from the slug, only to get angry at Robin's lack of communication, Robin humorously wishes that he'd rather have died than be in this conversation. His apparent fear is also funny when compared with the lack of fear he had with the monster that was trying to kill him earlier.

Starfire - When Her Friends Saved Her

"I Shall Thank You For My Rescue By Reciting The Poem Of Gratitude, All 6000 Verses!"

Starfire looking joyfully in a mirror in Teen Titans

Starfire is always upbeat and grateful for her friendship with the other Teen Titans, though this is often to their detriment. This includes a time where they save her from a squid-like alien robot, and to thank them, she offers to recite the poem of gratitude to them, which in classic Tamaranian fashion is 6000 verses long.

The moment itself is very funny as flowers overtake the screen as she talks, only to cut with a car screech sound effect to the rest of the Titans looking terrified of her offer. This is also the episode that introduces Blackfire, who happens to be one of the funniest and most likable villains in Teen Titans.

Cyborg - When The Titans Were Discussing The Episode's Message

"Yep, It Was All Completely Meaningless!"

Cyborg looking serious and pointing his blaster arm in Teen Titans

During an episode when Control Freak has trapped the Titans in multiple TV networks, the Titans are constantly berating Beast Boy for watching too much TV. However, Beast Boy can use his vast knowledge of television to save the day and defeat Control Freak.

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When the Titans try to decipher what lesson they can take from this experience, they realize that since Beast Boy won by being addicted to television, there is no lesson. Cyborg joyfully exclaims that it was all ultimately meaningless, and the rest of the Titans laugh as if the moment is a parody of sitcom endings. Meta jokes don't often happen on the show, but when they do, they're very funny.

Raven - When She Was Mocking Beast Boy

"Statistically, I Suppose Someone Has To."

Beast Boy looks at Raven in Teen Titans

Raven proves multiple times that she is the best Teen Titan, and this is partly due to her quick wit, which is often at Beast Boy's expense. When Beast Boy cracks a joke in front of Blackfire, and Blackfire laughs, Beast Boy smugly states to Raven how Blackfire thinks he's funny. And in classic Raven deadpan fashion, she responds with, "Statistically, I suppose someone has to," which infuriates him.

Raven and Beast Boy's clashing personalities often bring out a lot of humor in the show, though generally, it results in Raven making fun of Beast Boy's childish antics. But ultimately, it is revealed that Raven does find Beast Boy funny, she just doesn't like to admit it.

Beast Boy - When Raven Said He Didn't Have A Brain

"Good One...Hey, Wait A Minute! Dude, That's Not Funny. I Totally Have A Brain. I Just Don't Use It Much."

Beast Boy Smiling in Teen Titans

There are often inaccuracies about Beast Boy when it comes to his different iterations, but his sense of humor is one thing that never changes. He is even able to laugh at himself, including a time when he has been hypnotized by Mad Mod, and the Titans are trying to make him laugh to break the brainwashing.

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Starfire fears that Beast Boy's brain is lost forever, which Raven asks if Beast Boy even had a brain, to begin with. Hilariously, this is what makes Beast Boy return to normal, as he laughs at Raven's remark, then gets offended, claiming that he does have a brain, he just doesn't use it very often.

Terra - When She Tried Some Of Starfire's Food

"Tasted Like... Sushi Mixed With Ice Cream. Got Any More?"

Terra smiling in Teen Titans

Terra is quite an unconventional character for how initially laid-back she appears. This is highlighted in a funny way when she happily eats some food that Starfire offers her, which the other Titans exaggeratedly discourage her from doing. Terra's nonchalance being contrasted to how horrifying the food seems is enough to make any audience member laugh.

Funnily enough, Terra isn't disgusted by the food. Instead, she just states what it tastes like, that being sushi and ice cream, which is a wacky combination of its own. But when she asks Starfire if there's any more of it to eat, the rest of the Titans are humorously dumbfounded at Terra's lack of disgust.

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