Season 2 of Ted Lasso just got rid of the show's most interesting relationship. Season 2, episode 11, "Midnight Train to Royston," sees Ted (Jason Sudeikis) say goodbye to Dr. Sharon Fieldstone (Sarah Niles), the team's sports psychologist. After Ted plans a surprise going away party for her, Dr. Sharon unexpectedly has to leave a day early and departs without saying goodbye in person. This causes Ted to confront her at her home where, after swapping words and Ted reading the goodbye letter that Sharon had left for him, the two make nice and go for some drinks at the local pub before Sharon has to catch her train.

It's seemingly the end of a complex relationship between Ted Lasso and Dr. Sharon. The two characters have helped each other a great deal over the course of the season and they've served as one of the show's most interesting and unpredictable friendships. Ted initially judges Sharon and her profession despite his dire need for aid, resulting in several emotional outbursts and numerous unsuccessful therapy sessions. Sharon, likewise, struggles to open herself up to Ted which only serves to perpetuate the distance between them. Ultimately, the two manage to break through each other's barriers to become quite close, with Sharon helping Ted come to terms with his past and feelings, and Ted helping Sharon to become a more practiced psychologist.

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Losing Dr. Sharon could be quite a blow to the show as well as to Ted's wellbeing. Niles brings a calming energy to the cast which offsets the more zany nature of many of the other characters. Ted Lasso's team psychologist also plays an instrumental role in helping Ted to confront his feelings, and she is the only other character who knows the details of his troubled past. Her absence could leave a void that causes Ted to revert back to his previous, unhealthy habits.

ted lasso season 2 psychologist sharon not like reason

Niles' character provides a healthy balance to the show by juxtaposing Ted's high energy and silliness. Most of the other characters become infected by Coach Lasso's contagious positivity, but Dr. Sharon is always able to maintain her intelligent poise. At first, it's because she doesn't much care for him, but even after they grow close, the psychologist keeps a cool head in the midst of Ted's intense emotional behavior. Their differences make Sharon and Ted Lasso unlikely friends, but they also force the duo to challenge one another which ultimately brings out the best in both of them.

Dr. Sharon is also a singular character in the show because she is the only person that Ted has talked with about the dark details of his past. She has proven to be an integral part of Ted's healing process, and she alone has demanded that he take the steps he needs to get better. Coach Lasso has shown significant improvement, even feeling comfortable enough to tell his fellow coaches about his panic attack, but he also displays a definite negative reaction when Sharon leaves without saying goodbye. It begs the question of whether or not Ted will be able to effectively cope without his reliable psychologist friend to lean on.

Ted Lasso season 2 has ended the fascinating relationship between Sharon and Ted, but the season still has more to come. The "Midnight Train to Royston" episode ends on a big betrayal by Ted's protégé, and it will be interesting to see how he manages without the crutch of a personal psychologist to support him. With only one episode left in Ted Lasso season 2, the loveable coach will have to make some rapid progress if audiences hope to see a happy ending.

Next: Why Ted Lasso Season 3 Will Be All About Redeeming Nate