Screen Rant

  • Every member of Aang's Team Avatar played an integral role in his journey, and their names emphasized their roles. 1 / 7

    Katara, Aang and Sokka in Avatar the Last Airbender Imbalance
  • Aang means "peaceful soaring" in Chinese, which ties into his way of life as an Air Nomad. 2 / 7

    Air Scooter Aang Avatar Vertical
  • Katara means "wanting hope" in Japanese, which highlights her being the morale center of the group. 3 / 7

    Avatar The Last Airbender Katara image vertical
  • Sokka stands for "I understand" in Japanese, also highlighting him being the mastermind. 4 / 7

  • Toph means "expanding lotus" and her last name, Beifong, stands for "northern". 5 / 7

    Toph Beifong Vertical
  • Zuko's name has multiple translations, but the most common is "angry". That makes sense considering season 1, but... 6 / 7

  • Zuko grew so much by the time Avatar ended that he may need a new name! 7 / 7

    Zuko and Mai Vertical