
Star Brand


The Newest Avenger's Powers Are Incredibly Destructive & Tragic

Starbrand is the newest member of the Avengers, but her powers are tragic, and destructive--aging her in a matter of seconds

Iron Man avengers dinosaur
The Avengers' God-Tier New Member Is Totally Redefining Marvel Lore

As the Avengers travel back through time to recruit the first Star Brand, they uncover epic heroes fans have never seen before!

Marvel's New Avenger is Already Sacrificing What Makes Her Unique

Marvel's newest Avenger, the Star Brand, aged rapidly within a matter of seconds, in effect sacrificing everything that made her unique.

Star Brand
The First Star Brand Made Marvel's Most Over-The-Top Debut

Marvel's first Star Brand, Ken Connell, made one of the most over-the-top debuts in history, dropping a spacecraft on the White House Lawn.

Star Brand Earth Explosion
Marvel's God-Tier Star Brand Hero Accidentally Killed a Million People

The Star Brand is one of Marvel's most powerful forces - so powerful that its first wielder accidentally destroyed Pittsburgh.
