
Silent Night, Deadly Night 2


Silent night deadly night 2 so bad
Why Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 Was So Legendarily Bad

1987's Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 is one of the most infamously awful horror sequels in history, and here's why it ended up so legendarily bad.

silent night deadly night movies ranked
Every Silent Night Deadly Night Movie Ranked Worst To Best

The Silent Night Deadly Night movies feature killer Santas, killer toys, and killer bugs, but how do the Christmas slashers compare to each other?

Ricky pointing a gun and smiling in Silent Night Deadly Night 2
Silent Night Deadly Night 2's Garbage Day Meme Explained (& How It Went Viral)

Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 is by all measures a terrible movie, but it managed to spawn the hilarious and long-lasting "Garbage Day!" meme.

10 Movie-Related Memes That Are More Popular Than The Movie They're From

Several movie stills have been used for hilarious memes, but some of these memes have become more famous than the movie itself.
