
Megan Is Missing

latest Megan Is Missing Articles

megan is missing 2011 poster
Where To Watch Megan Is Missing

Are you ready for a fright? Find out where to watch Megan Is Missing, a disturbing horror movie from 2011 that was banned in some countries.

By  and
Megan and Amy looking into camera in Megan is Missing
Megan Is Missing: Why The Remake Movie Didn't Happen

Michael Goi's Megan is Missing might have had a remake, but could this darkly realistic warning work if it had been remade today? Goi thinks not.

Megan Is Missing
Megan Is Missing's Viral TikTok Challenge & Controversy Explained

Megan Is Missing has gone viral on TikTok, which has caused some controversy as well as concern from the director - here's why it is so controversial.
