
Madea's Witness Protection


Madea Movies where to watch
Where To Watch Every Madea Movie Online

All of Tyler Perry's Madea Cinematic Universe movies are available online to stream, rent, or buy. Here is where to watch every Madea movie online.

tyler perry's madea cinematic universe explained
Tyler Perry's Madea Cinematic Universe Explained: Every Movie & Show That Counts

Since 1999 Tyler Perry has created an extensive body of work as Mabel Simmons, but which movies and shows make up the Madea cinematic universe?

Every Madea Movie Ranked From Worst To Best (Including Homecoming)

Tyler Perry has revived his popular Madea franchise at Netflix with A Madea Homecoming. Here's a ranking of all 12 Madea films from worst to best.

Dark Knight Rises retains number 1
Weekend Box Office Wrap Up: July 29, 2012

Here's our box office report for the weekend of July 27, 2012 – featuring the performance of new release 'The Watch' as well as returning hit 'The Dark Knight Rises' and the rest of the top ten.
