
forbidden planet


Robby the Robot in different media
Who Was Robby The Robot? Why He Appeared In 21 Sci Fi Movies & Shows

Robby the Robot is one of the most iconic sci-fi robots of all time, and here is where the character is originally from and what else he is in.

Forbidden Planet: 10 Things About The 1956 Film That Made It Ahead Of Its Time

Forbidden Planet is an iconic sci-fi movie, and one that doesn't give in to campy B-movie conventions of the time, but feels more modern.

10 Actors We Want To See In A Forbidden Planet Reboot

Forbidden Planet is one of those incredible sci-fi films that changed cinema. If it were rebooted it would need a stellar cast. Here are some ideas.

Michael J. Fox as MArty McFly in Back to the Future
10 Classic Movies That Hollywood Will Inevitably Remake

It seems like Hollywood has remade everything at times. Here are 10 films we think will get a remake at some point in the future.

The Abyss - 10 Sci-Fi Classics That Should Be Adapted to TV
10 Classic Sci-Fi Movies That Should Be Adapted for TV

These science fiction masterpieces would make even better television series.
