No one likes to talk about Hell. It's not exactly the most friendly place in the world, full of unspeakable horrors and evils, unlike anything the world's ever seen. Yet, Hollywood seems to think that Hell is the best place to explore through films and shows.

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As Hollywood descends into the depths, the rules and logic(the few that there are) of Hell becomes more and more twisted and confused. Even a show like Supernatural, known for turning anything on its head, has struggled to make sense of Hell. Here are ten things that make no sense about Supernaturals Hell.


One would think that nobody would want to enter Hell at any costs but the Winchester brothers aren't normal people. Entering Hell for them is like walking down the main street, so commonplace it's ridiculous. However... fans never do know how they get into Hell.

Audiences have watched the Winchesters and their demonic allies enter through portals or even abandoned warehouses, but the entrance of Hell is never really explained or shown. Whether there be too many to count or one singular door, fans and audiences may never know.


Those who have read Dante's Inferno or any literature pertaining to Hell know that there are multiple circles to Hell, different layers that separate each sinner from one another. It's how, even in a place like Hell, the order is kept in a strange twisted way.

Now, Hell, in all honesty, shouldn't have an order to it and while Supernaturals version doesn't have multiple circles, the layout is still confusing, going from being a void in space to a series of enchanted cells that truly don't make sense.


Hierarchy, in any realm no matter how vile it may be, requires a form of ranks, a system that keeps the demons and monsters in check. As long as there is order, there can be a way to control an otherwise chaotic and unruly setting.

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However, the ranking of demons in Hell simply defies logic. While some are strong and are higher up, others are weaker and yet remain in the higher ranks, able to get high ranking jobs or be second in command, a system that fails to work.


Everyone has their different versions or views of Hell and usually, most see it as a large, dark, abyss, tumbling down forever, chock full of evil-doers burning forever. For many, Hell has no end or bottom and can literally go on forever to hold all the sinners.

Yet, in Supernatural, there does appear to be a bottom in Hell, a place where it does in fact stop. It doesn't make sense for many, that a realm this horrible would have an end or a bottom, leading to many questions.

Relationship With Heaven 

Heaven and Hell are expected, in any form, to be enemies. It's the age-old story of good vs evil, angels against demons, the Devil battling God, eternal war with no end with two completely different sides, sides that never connect.

As with most things, Supernatural shockingly connects the two rival societies together in different ways. Sometimes it's with Angels and Demons. Other times, it has to do with certain deals made between each side. Either way, there's a strange and unholy relationship between the pair that doesn't always work.



The location of Hell sounds like a rhetorical question. Obviously, Hell is beneath us, a demonic empire that dwells beneath the surface of humanity, a place where all evildoers go. In any normal world, this would be true... but this is Supernatural.

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Hell is strange in the Winchester Brothers world. While the main part of Hell does take place in the darkest depths, there are moments where the ruler, whether it be Crowley or Lucifer, tend to rule from a warehouse up on the surface, in a confusingly easy location.

Source of power

All realms have a source of power in any kind of fantasy world. Whether it comes from a jewel, a tree, or even rock, power comes in strange forms but it's always there, keeping the supernatural beings charged. Hell, though, appears to be the outlier.

Even Hell's counterpart, Heaven, has a source of power in the form of Angels while Hell just appears to exist and live without anything keeping it going. Yes, the demons and rulers keep it chugging but there's no real power source powering Hell.


Hell's purpose should be simple. It should, as all other versions, be a place where sinners and evil-doers spend the rest of their lives, forever being punished for all eternity, and yet, this version of Hell isn't as simple as serving as a prison.

Instead, this Hell has many different purposes, from serving as home to the demons and ruler of Hell, to serving as a base of operations for the end of the world to even being an entrance to Lucifer's cage, the possibilities and questions are endless.


Any kingdom needs a ruler, but every kingdom will also usually suffer from the same issue regarding said ruler. The ruler can be good and strong... for a while. Then over time, their strength wanes and fades, and eventually, they meet their end, and a new more powerful ruler takes their place.

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What doesn't make sense about Hell's ruler is that while all the demons are strong, their so easily defeated by the Winchesters and other demons, it's a wonder how they managed to get control in the first place.

The Cage

Typically, when imprisoning someone for all eternity, one would assume that Hell would be the best choice. However, when the person in question being imprisoned is Lucifer, the devil himself, the reasoning becomes less solid and plausible.

Now, putting Lucifer into a cage in the deepest circle of Hell sounds smart except for the fact that the number of demons who want Lucifer to return and rule and putting a way for them to get Lucifer back, it goes from being smart to stupid and confusing.

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