Warning: Contains spoilers for Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman #1

The sun plays an important role in the DC Universe. Not only is it the inspiration for a variety of gods in Wonder Woman's pantheon, the sun also powers Superman himself. It seems fitting then, that both heroes have had trouble with solar-based villains, but never have they faced them together. In Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman #1 the future heroes of DC will need to stop two rivaling suns.

The new team-up from writer Dan Watters and artist Leila Del Duca reveals that Jonathan Kent and Yara Flor started off with a rocky relationship. In Metropolis, the new Superman greets his home city in the morning. Before he can really start his day though, he notices a problem; there are two suns in the sky. Over in Brazil, the grim new Wonder Woman saves a politician whose helicopter is falling out of the sky. A solar flare has caused electronics in the city to fail. After berating the corrupt politician, Yara goes to confront the Sun God Kuat. He thanks Yara for restoring belief in him, but then he notices the same thing Jon noticed over in Metropolis, and he thinks the second sun as a challenge.

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In space, Kaut sees that the second son is actually the Superman villain Solaris. Kaut and Solaris fight, but Solaris comes out on top. The fighting results in massive ecological damage over on Earth, prompting Superman to meet with Wonder Woman. They decide to individually deal with their respective solar enemies. Superman tells Solaris that if the alien intelligence can best him in a strength competition on the next day, then Solaris has permission to kill him. Though he is confident that he'll win, and expresses that to Yara, in private, the new Superman falters in the presence of Solaris' red sunlight.

What makes this crossover fun is the contrasting heroes. While Jon is the perfect picture of his father, Yara is Diana's opposite. This leads to a clash between them, as Jonathan wants to work together while Yara clearly wants nothing to do with Metropolis' hero. To Yara, Jon represents a mainstream hero too above it all to see the struggle of common people. It leaves readers wondering what exactly changed between this comic and Future State: Justice League to change her mind.

It's possible that this comic's events could be the exact thing that brings the new Superman and Wonder Woman together. A threat as big as two rivaling suns will definitely take both of them to deal with. If Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman #1 is anything to go by, DC's biggest heroes have a lot of growing to do before they can work together.

Next: DC's New Wonder Woman Isn't Afraid Of Anything