Spider-Man and Superman are two of the biggest (if not the biggest) superheroes at their respective publishers. While the Marvel Comics and DC Comics heroes have met before, one of their strangest crossovers featured Clark Kent showing up at the Daily Bugle, in a not so subtle comic book scene.

Peter Parker and Clark Kent have met on multiple occasions in crossover books. Most famously, the two have faced off each other in the first-ever DC/Marvel Comics crossover Superman vs The Amazing Spider-ManThe photographer (actually Ben Reilly at the time) and reporter also came face-to-face in the DC vs. Marvel crossover, where they both tried to ditch their work attire for their superhero costumes. However, before that meeting occurred, Clark Kent made a surprise appearance in the pages of a Spider-Man story, as a normal reporter.

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The crossover happened inside the pages of another crossover, Marvel Team-Up #79 by Chris Claremont & John Byrne. Spider-Man and Red Sonja starred in the team-up in the story "Sword of the She-Devil." When Peter Parker checks in at the Daily Bugle following a night of web-slinging around New York, he's greeted by a number of familiar faces at the company's Christmas party. However, one face that's in the comic for a single scene is the most surprising of all. A group of reporters can be seen talking, where a man named Merrill asks a Clark Kent-lookalike "so tell my ol' buddy, how does it feel to be a mild-mannered reporter for a great Metropolitan TV Network."  There's no subtlety in who's visiting.

Superman Spider-Man

Byrne was at Marvel at the time where he collaborated with Claremont on some of the best X-Men stories at the time. It would be nearly a decade and a half before he started his own iconic run on Superman. Clearly, he was a fan of the character well before he started at DC.

The question remains: Is the Earth-616 version of the mild-mannered reporter from Metropolis just a reporter? Or is there a secret Superman that exists somewhere in the Marvel Universe (he did appear in Thor...so the running gag was continued on). Regardless of the implications of the quick cameo, it's great to see Marvel have some fun and include Clark in the single panel. Superman and Spider-Man would also make quite the dynamic journalism team if they ever decided to work together out of costume.

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