Warning! Spoilers ahead for Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #4!

In Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #4, Supergirl is showcased to be the accidental cause of Krem becoming a true supervillain. Supergirl first met Krem after making Ruthye's acquaintance. Even after Ruthye's long explanation about her reasons to want to get revenge on the murderous Krem, Supergirl still adamantly denied helping her due to her strict moral code. But everything changed as Supergirl, Krypto, and Ruthye were attacked by Krem who had heard word that Ruthye was seeking his death. For Supergirl, Krypto's death at the hands of Krem was the last straw that broke her in two, causing her to agree to Ruthye's revenge-filled mission.

DC Comics has had a lot of villains with terrible atrocities that fill their resumes. Whether they be cosmic, world-ending threats like Darkseid or the Anti-Monitor or someone more grounded like Lex Luthor, they all have one thing in common: their absolute disregard for human life. Perfectly fitting into DC's rogues gallery of villains is Supergirl's new villain Krem, who started off as a petty murderer, but has become something entirely different.

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In Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #4 by Tom King and Bilquis Evely, Supergirl sees the chaos that Krem has caused on his non-stop murderous tour around the cosmos. If it wasn't for Supergirl, Krem would've still been a low-level killer rather than a galactic, planet-killing threat. It all started with Supergirl presenting him with a ship and a reason to run and find assistance to project his back. By hunting him, Krem has acquainted himself with a genocidal band of ruthless outlaws with the resources to take his crime up to a whole new level.

The issue showcases Krem's vile actions by showing Supergirl and Ruthye running into the aftermath of his destruction. While the Brigands would've still been a threat to the universe anyway, Krem's actions on Coronn confirm that his dark imagination makes them far worse. This issue really delves into the personal cost to the beings that he targeted as Supergirl is left to pick up the slack, trying to make some good out of terrible situations. Despite Supergirl's claim to be chasing Krem to help Krypto, it's clear that the Girl of Steel is seriously considering vengeance.

Supergirl's future is looking rather dark as she's not only built up a new cosmic, world-killing villain but also she's chosen a dark path that may be without redemption. Especially if she follows through with killing Krem, as teased by Ruthye's future narration in issue one. Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #4 is available in comic book stores and on digital platforms now.

Next: Supergirl is Calling Superman Out for His Reckless New Mission