As the world struggled to grasp James Gunn's The Suicide Squad as neither a sequel nor a reboot to the previous DCEU film, the return of Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn was a no-brainer. But with a brand new writer and director now offering his own take on the starring Squaddie, the decision to base Harley's new look on the Batman: Arkham games is only the tip of the iceberg for her new turn in the spotlight.

Screen Rant had the chance to visit the set of The Suicide Squad back in November 2019, to learn what would be new, and what would be not-so-new about this film's version of Task Force X. And needless to say, the changes made to James Gunn's version of Harley Quinn--wardrobe included--are already one of the biggest talking points. Well, that and the fact that 'Harley Quinn vision' is now a superpower.

RELATED: The First Suicide Squad Backlash Is What Drew John Cena To The New Movie

Harley Quinn's next appearance on film is sure to sell itself without any help from the studio, so it should come as no surprise to hear Harley is playing a central role in the entire plot. That includes storming a beach, bazooka in hand with her Squadmates--even if such a dramatic action scene seems doomed to fail (thereby necessitating the rest of the movie). But with the film's first trailers confirming Harley will be rescued by a new Suicide Squad roster, audiences still don't know what's in store for the heroine. Specifically, how her new black-and-red ball gown turns into the torn and singed costume Robbie wears while addressing press during our visit to the set.

Margot Robbie: Thanks for coming in guys! You're getting to see like, the coolest sets ever. I wish you could've seen the beach set. It was so cool.

The dress is awesome.

Margot Robbie: Yeah, just... Harley's been through some things, as you can see, by this point in the film. It started off as like a very glamorous gown, and here we are.

We did get to see pictures [of Harley's debut in the dress].

Margot Robbie: Oh you did, okay great. Yeah. Yeah, she had her moment.

Harley Quinn The Suicide Squad Trailer

Are there different versions of this dress in the movie?

Margot Robbie: I think we got it down to three versions of the dress. There's like a mid-way, this [version], and the beginning part. Four maybe? Somewhere--we've got to figure out where to like... We're trying to work it into a 'move,' where we rip off one bit while we do some cool fight s*** with it.

Based on what we've seen of the movie, is it safe to assume this costume is set after Harley is captured [following the beach assault]?

Margot Robbie: Yes, exactly. Yeah. She has a mission outfit to start with that's very different. She didn't come on the mission wearing a ball gown, thinking...

Although she might have.

Margot Robbie: Although with Harley, she could have been like, 'I just like it, this is what I wanted, I wanted to be pretty today.' She could've, yeah.

Do you also have your baseball bat back this time?

Margot Robbie: My baseball bat is next to my bed back in L.A.. In case anyone breaks in I'll be ready. But no, I've got other weapons in this one. Don't worry. Many, many weapons, but mainly one actually."

No matter what stands between the mission and survival for Harley Quinn and her teammates, she's guaranteed to be the last one standing. Stay tuned to Screen Rant for more of our coverage from the set of The Suicide Squad.

MORE: Everything We Know About The Suicide Squad's Story

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