The rumors of James Gunn taking over The Suicide Squad for DC Films have proven true, thanks to reports that not only would the Guardians of the Galaxy helmer be writing the next Suicide Squad movie, but directing it as well. And to make it his own, it sounds like Gunn will be bringing new characters and a new story to his semi-rebooted Suicide Squad roster.

When the first rumors made that claim, we explained why James Gunn's Suicide Squad should be a reboot of sorts, since the very nature of the team is designed to assemble a range of villains and DC favorites in one-off missions. Some of the existing Suicide Squad stars could return, and likely should, given their popularity. But with a writer and director of James Gunn's caliber and personality, we have a few DC characters in mind that should definitely make the sequel team.

The Fighter: Bronze Tiger

Skills: Trained in nearly all known martial arts, able to best even Batman as one of the most skilled, non-metahuman fighters in the DC Universe.

It's possible that modern DC fans may know Bronze Tiger best thanks to his depiction on The CW's Arrow, but the current version seen in the comics is less 'gimmick' (handheld claws) and more of a disciplined, physical threat. Fictionally, he's a master of every martial art known around the world, and has the size and build to turn them all into deadly weapons--and even take down Bruce Wayne in a hand-to-hand fight.

RELATED: James Gunn Could've Made a Superman Movie Instead

Practically, it means a terrific chance to raise the potential for stuntwork and fight choreography of the next Suicide Squad movie it new levels (one area even fans were left wishing for a bit more of in the original). As Marvel's films continue to raise the CG/alien army quota, a well-choreographed martial arts scene (or two, or three) would be wise for Gunn to include.

The Muscle: Knockout

Skills: As a former Female Fury and New God of Apokolips, possesses demigod-like strength, durability, and healing. Has fought Big Barda to a draw.

Yes, you read the description right: Knockout isn't just an oversized, muscle bound heroine. She's an honest to goodness New God, born of Apokolips, and one of the most fearsome Fighters ever to join the Female Furies, Darkseid's elite force of woman warriors. And when Big Barda made her break to join Mister Miracle on Earth, Knockout made her own escape not long after.

After emerging as a rival (partner?) to Superboy, Knockout would go on to make a name for herself among fans of both Suicide Squad and the Secret Six. Clever, flirtatious, and loving a good fight, Knockout's superhuman build is as big as her heart. Considering what Gunn and Dave Bautista did with Drax the Destroyer, we would love to see the director's version of Knockout--while also laying even more groundwork for the coming New Gods movie, too.

The Secret Weapon: Multi-Man

Skills: Is as vulnerable as a normal man, but upon every death, is instantly resurrected--with a new, unknown superpower he must then discover.

We know most comic fans will be less than familiar with Multi-Man, but the premise of his powers may be the most perfectly tailored to James Gunn's odd sensibilities. As a man, he's relatively run of the mill, and outclassed by his superhuman teammates. Until he dies, of course... and instantly returns to life, now imbued with a brand new superpower. What kind of superpower? Not even he knows. Not until the situation suddenly calls for it, and Multi-Man is able to save the day. If that isn't a secret weapons the Guardians of the Galaxy could have used, we don't know what is.

Page 2 of 2: The Suicide Squad Heroes Who Need to Return

Nemesis from DC Comics

The Trick: Nemesis

Skills: He's a master of disguise, even when he's not using his skills as a highly-trained, covert operative.

To be clear, we're referring to the Thomas Andrew Tresser version of Nemesis, the one who Wonder Woman fans will know from his early 2000s run as a government operative. While it wouldn't hurt to have another Special Forces operative on the team--and Nemesis could work as a new Rick Flag, if Gunn wishes (or if Joel Kinnaman declines a return)-it isn't his training that were interested in... it's his specialized skills in disguise.

RELATED: DC Characters James Gunn Wanted to Work With Before

In the comics, Nemesis relies upon unique masks and his acting and imitation skills to seamlessly infiltrate enemy forces (and even friendly). But since the DCEU has introduced magic and mysticism, the door is open to push the limits of Nemesis' disguises to even more outrageous lengths. Considering how many potential DCEU cameos such a team member could make possible, he's a must.

The Leader: Deadshot

Suicide Squad Movie Deadshot Origin

Skills: Famed to 'never miss,' Deadshot demonstrated his unparalleled skills in any and all types of firearms (not to mention the best motivation of any team member to serve his time and earn his freedom).

No matter what critics said about David Ayer's first film, Will Smith was largely the face of it... giving it the first step towards its almost $800 Million box office. That's not the kind of character or potential any studio should pass up, and considering the odds of seeing Ben Affleck as Batman in another movie have dropped to an all-time low, our hopes for a Deadshot vs. Batman movie have all but vanished. So a sequel it is!

The Star: Harley Quinn

Suicide Squad Movie Harley Quinn Origin

Skills: Are you serious?

If you're going to bring back one of the faces of the Suicide Squad, there's no reason not to bring back both. Sure, Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn will be anchoring the upcoming Birds of Prey movie, but the fans have shown that they can't get anough of the femme fatale (not yet, anyway). One good turn deserves another, so if Harley was the brightest spot of the first film, and bright enough to earn a sequel with herself in the spotlight, it seems that a role in the next Squad should be a no-brainer, if Robbie wishes to team up with Gunn.

MORE: James Gunn is Better For Suicide Squad Than Marvel's Guardians

Key Release Dates