Among Us has been exploding with popularity, first brought on by a wave of Twitch streamers and YouTube videos that has snowballed into a huge amount of daily active players. While the game released back in 2018, the recent resurgence has brought in a wide range of new players. Many are focused on Impostor strategies to blend in and ambush unsuspecting players. However, there is a related counter playstyle for Crewmates that can allow victory over the alien’s schemes.

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Crewmates can achieve victory by completing tasks scattered around the map. Finishing enough of these will thwart the Impostors without having to identify all of them. However, tasks can take time and cover up a large amount of the screen, making it also very risky to focus on them without a plan. But, after learning how tasks actually work it can become very easy for the Crewmates to organize and win.

Common Tasks and Strategy in Among Us

Fixing Wire Puzzle in Among Us

Common tasks are given to all Crewmates. If one player has it, so does everyone else on their team. If someone avoids doing a common task or claims to have completed a task not in the match, they are likely an Impostor (or a very disruptive/confused Crewmate). Like all tasks, successful completion will fill the taskbar. If the bar does not fill after a player claims to have done the task, they are also highly likely an Impostor. It may be a good strategy to first finish nearby common tasks before wandering deep into the map. Players will want to venture with at most one or two buddies. However, too many people traversing small areas like hallways can make it very easy for Imposters to quickly kill targets in the crowd.

Enter ID Code

This task is in Mira HQ’s Admin. Players must remove a card from their wallet which will have a passcode. They will then need to enter this number sequence into the keypad and hit the checkmark. Any wrong numbers will reset the process completely.

Insert Keys

This task is in the Dropship on Polus. Players will need to drag a set of keys into the highlighted keyhole and turn either clockwise or counter-clockwise. Each Crewmate will have a specific keyhole that matches the order they joined the match.

Scan Boarding Pass

This is another task unique to Polus, this time in the Office. Players will need to hit the yellow arrow to bring up their pass. It will then need to be flipped around so that the QR code faces the scanner. Now, the card can be read by placing it on the red scanner and waiting for confirmation.

Swipe Card

This common task can be found in The Skeld’s Admin or Polus’ Office. Crewmates will need to withdraw their ID from their wallet and swipe it through the scanner at a medium speed. Swiping too fast or too slow will result in an error. This can sometimes make the task frustratingly time-consuming for players who haven’t gotten the timing right. If someone claims to be trying yet failing at the task, they could be an Impostor faking it.

Fix Wiring

Broken wires can be found throughout each location in multiple different rooms. There will be a sequence of four colors on the left and right of the panel. Wiring can be repaired by connecting each matching color; red to red, blue to blue, etc. To finish the task this action must be completed on three different panels across the map.

Verifiable Tasks in Among Us

Scanning Crewmates in Among Us

Several tasks include an animation or visual effect that plays while working or immediately after completion. By having another player in the room, they can act as a witness to verify Crewmate status. Additionally, there is no way for Impostors to fake these, easily exposing them if they attempt to lie about what they are doing. However, just because someone acts as a witness doesn’t mean that they themselves are Crewmates; they could also just be Impostors trying to earn trust.

Submit Scan

This task is located in in the MedBay of The Skeld and Mira HQ or the Laboratory of Polus. A transparent green disc will float through a real Crewmate. The task can take 10 seconds to complete, and multiple players will need to wait for their turn. While this can allow more confirmations, it can also leave a crowd vulnerable to attacks or sabotage from the Impostors.

Shoot Asteroids

This task is located in Weapons on both The Skeld and Polus. Each time a player shoots, lasers will deploy from the front of the ship or cannon. The task is also within Mira HQ’s Balcony but has no visible confirmation. 20 asteroids must be destroyed to finish the task, failing or quitting midway will require a complete restart. Multiple players can engage with this task simultaneously but will reduce the fire rate. When trying to prove innocence, it is ideal for Crewmates to do this one at a time, as Impostors may attempt to blend in.

Prime Shields

Prime Shields is available in The Skeld’s Shields or Mira HQ’s Admin. However, the visual indicator is only for the former, as The Skeld’s outer shields will flash when the task is completed. The task itself is simple; a Crewmate must hit all of the red-colored hexagons that appear.

Empty Garbage/Chute

This task is a two-step process with the same results. On board The Skeld, Empty Garbage will be in Cafeteria, while Empty Chute will be in O2. Players will need to hold down a lever to release garbage into the Storage zone. In either case, head to Storage and fully dump the garbage into space, allowing anyone there to confirm Crewmate identity. This task is also on Mira HQ and Polus but has no animation to verify Crewmates or catch Impostors.

Map Unique Tasks in Among Us

Polus Map Layout in Among Us

Alongside the common and verifiable tasks, each Crewmate will receive specific tasks that may be unique to the map. Since players will not share the same list, this can cause the crew to be all over the map and vulnerable to attacks. The priority should be to do tasks that take a shorter time and are also close to the starting position. Also keep in mind that when a meeting is called, all players will find themselves back in the Cafeteria or Office.

The Skeld

The starting Cafeteria is slightly north but otherwise central, this allows quick traveling in any direction. However, this can also make it very easy to lose track of Impostors. To stay ahead focus on quick single-phase tasks in nearby rooms like Calibrate Distributor in Electrical, Clean O2 Filter in O2, and Chart Course and Align Engine Output in Navigation. Keep long tasks at a lower priority. This can include Fuel Engines in Storage, Inspect Sample in MedBay, and Start Reactor in the Reactor.

Mira HQ

The Cafeteria is tucked into the lower right corner, making it far less central to other rooms compared to the Skeld. Measure Weather on the Balcony should be done first, as it is very close by. Buy Beverage can also be completed right away or left for right after a meeting. Taking on tasks bunched around the Greenhouse, Office, and Admin can save time. This may include Chart Course, Clean O2 Filter, and Process Data. Water Plants is also a two-part task that will require going from Storage to the Greenhouse. Divert Power can also be a dicey task, as it will require going to an unpredictable location of the building.


Crewmates will want to complete tasks that aren’t too far from the Office, which can include Reboot Wifi in Communications, Repair Drill and Align Telescope in Laboratory, and Chart Course in Dropship. Fix Weather Node and Open Waterways can take a long time as they have multiple stages across the map, including exposed areas outside. Replace Water Jug is also a multi-phase process starting in the Boiler Room but will finish inside the Office.

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Among Us is available for PC, iOS, and Android.